nity, to exhort thoſe few great Spirits, who are thirſting after Glory, to redouble their Speed to perpetuate their Fame, and do greater and more glorious Things than have yet been attempted; that thereby they may the ſooner obtain that reward of their Merit, and raiſe thoſe Monuments to their Memories, which at beſt they ſee, muſt ſo ſuddenly periſh in the common Ruine, and be loſt for ever in the general Deſtruction of all Things.
Another Motive I had for making theſe Papers publick was, that by magnifying the Glory of ſucceeding Miniſters, I might ſink and leſſen the Reputation of thoſe, that at preſent ſit at the Helm, ſince they have been ſo regardleſs of all true Merit, as to do little or nothing for me or my Family. I ſaw it in vain to attempt their Ruin by downright Railing, throwing Dirt at random, and calling them at all Adventures Rogues and Knaves in Print; for they have ſo deluded the People, by the curſed Succeſs of their Adminiſtration, that they will not liſten any longer to general Declamations, to witty Inſinuations or the boldeſt Satyrs, without ſome few real Facts to vouch them, and prove they are well grounded. Now asI found