force) as by ſettling our baniſh'd Felons in the new World, and employing them ſufficiently there, we keep our ſelves pretty quiet at Home in the old one; ſo I hope that theſe ungovernable and ſatyrical Obſervers, who not content with cenſuring and decrying all that paſt in former Ages, turn themſelves to ridiculing and contemning all that is done in this, may be kept from overturning the Peace of theſe our Days, by being employ'd on the Secrets of Times to come. Beſides I find it is by no means ſufficient, for the elevated Genius's of this Age, to know all that may be known: This is too eaſy a Conqueſt for their ſuperior Strength, and they gloriouſly aim at being Maſters of all that is not to be known. As I pay the higheſt Veneration to ſuch exalted Spirits, I have done what Man could do, (aided by the Diſcoveries of my good Angel) to let them ſee all that is to be in Art or Nature, till the Diſſolution of both, and have reſolv'd to gratifie them with ſome conſiderable Hints of what will happen at the general Conflagration, when they, this Earth, and even Time, and all their learned (their exquiſitely learned) Labours, ſhall be no more!
I am