With the same Views he put down the Minarets and order'd all to be called to the Mosques at the Hours of Prayer, by sounding their wind Instruments and beating of Drums. By this means he oblig'd the Missionaries by silencing the blasphemous Proclamations of the Muezins or Criers from the Minarets, who us'd to call the Turks to their Naama or Prayers; and also made the People less zealous and furious, for the Honour of their Prophet and his Religion, who us'd to have their Ears still dinn'd, and their Zeal inflam'd with the proclaiming their Mahomet for the Prophet of God.
With the same subtle management, he confin'd to their own Towns all the vagabond Dervices, who us'd to run thro' the Provinces possest with the hottest Spirit of Mahometism, and turn'd many of the Monasteries of those lazy Drones (who had all the Zeal and Ignorance of our worst kind of Monks in them) to Caravanseras or Inns for Travellers, or else into Timariots to maintain such a number of Soldiers.
He sent such Orders thro' the Empire and appointed such faithful Ministers to execute them, (many of whom were disguis'd Christians and even Jesuits,) that the open Professi-on