cipline, all Officers of his Forces both Janizaries and Spahies were intirely chosen out of these two Bodies; which were in like manner ever recruited out of those Men who had serv'd longest and distinguish'd themselves most, in every Provincial Corps in the Army. A method which had he liv'd to have kept up, (for it fell with him) might have bid fair for the Recovery of all the Territory and Glory, they had lost before in so many unsuccessful Battles, and had probably cost the Christian Powers, infinite Blood and Hazards to have surmounted. After all, my Lord, the Oath those Troops took was still less than the Roman Gladiators obliged themselves to perform, who us'd frequent-to sell, not the Hazard but the certain Loss of their Lives, for smaller Advantages.
Till this great Man found a Remedy for it, the Turkish Cavalry were generally of little Service, for tho' their Horses were fine and beautiful to the Eye, they were light-limb'd and so thin-bodied and Fleet, that they were still ready to yield to the Shock of the European Cavalry, and to trust to their Speed to fave themselves; but by banishing those sort of Horses, and obliging them only to use the largest and weightiest that could befound