he made an Intention to Rob or Murder, if fully and evidently proved, equally penal with the having put the deſign in Execution. Nay, ſo far did the rigour of Juſtice carry him, that any kind of Fraud or Colluſion, to cheat or deceive another, or even denying or avoiding artfully a juſt Debt, was made as puniſhable, as if the Offender had actually attempted a Theft of equal value.
He went further yet, and with the Spirit of the ancient Spartans, if any Perſon could juſtly impeach another of evident Ingratitude, he gave up the Offender to him into Slavery, for ſo many Years as might bear ſome proportion to the Heinouſneſs of the Offence he was Convicted of. Beſides, he inforc'd that excellent Law which had grown obſolete, that every Turk ſhould effectually learn ſome Trade, by which he might preſerve himſelf from Want, which he eſtabliſhed with ſuch Vigour and Care, as was never before ſeen in this Empire. A Law, my Lord, which if it were paſt in England, as to the Children of the ordinary People, would deliver us from thoſe Shoals of Beggars, Thieves and uſeleſs Idlers, which are the greateſt Curſe of our Country.