Gods set up for the publick Worship of the World, and ador'd with so much outward Pro-fession of Zeal and Ardour; conclude, that all is but Mummery and Hypocrisy, that is paid even to the true One.
But if the Conduct of my Life cannot secure me from an Impeachment of this sort, your Royal Highness's uncontested Virtues so universally acknowledg'd by all, will surely stand as the strongest Proof, that the highest Professions of Veneration and Gratitude to such a Prince, may well be consistent with Sincerity of Heart, and unsuspected of the little Arts of fawning Sycophants.
And indeed, one may as well charge a Man with Hyprocrisy, for professing the Religion of his Country, as tax him with Flattery who owns himself an Admirer of your Royal Highness. For certainly as the one is as universally given into as the other by all our People; if it be Flattery, it is the Flattery of a Nation, and should no more be objected to a particular Person, than the Anglicisms of our common Speech, since 'tis the Language of the Country, and in the Mouths of all.
For who is there, Sir, in the most distant Corner of these Nations, that is so insensibleof