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than their own length from the base, the carinæ very fine, subentire, antennæ shorter, the outer joints more strongly transverse, the second and third subequal; prothorax strongly transverse, parallel and rounded at the sides, very nearly as wide as the elytra, much wider than the head; elytra moderately transverse, much longer than the prothorax, abdomen evidently narrower than the elytra, parallel though, as frequently the case, apparently narrowing a little toward apex because of the narrowing of the side margins; sixth tergite (♂) more broadly truncate than in the two preceding, feebly sinuate toward the middle, the lateral auriculæ much reduced, narrow, parallel externally; sterna similar; basal joint of the hind tarsi but little shorter than the second. Length 2.2 mm.; width 0.56 mm. Rhode Island (Boston Neck).

Atheta ducens n. sp.—Elongate, parallel; coloration nearly as in rhodeana, alutaceous, the fine subgranular punctuation close, the abdomen more minutely, very sparsely punctulate and shining; head small, the eyes prominent, at much less than their own length from the base, the sides behind the arcuate and rapidly converging, the carinæ fine, subentire; antennæ moderate, the outer joints distinctly transverse, the second much shorter than the third; prothorax only about a third wider than long, much wider than the head and slightly though evidently narrower than the elytra, the parallel sides much more feebly arcuate than in any of the preceding; elytra slightly transverse, distinctly longer than the prothorax; abdomen parallel, much narrower than the elytra, the sixth tergite (♂) trapezoidal, formed nearly as in rhodeana, the truncate apex feebly sinuate, the edge even, the adjoining surface feebly and broadly corrugated, the auriculæ slightly more posterior than the median part, short, rounded, inclined upward externally and rather thick; sterna as in the preceding species. Length 2.7 mm.; width 0.6 mm. New York. (Catskill Mts.).

Distinguishable by its less transverse prothorax, with the parallel sides very feebly arcuate.

Atheta gnoma n. sp.—Moderately stout, parallel; coloration as usual, the dark parts blackish-piceous; surface rather strongly shining, the minute granuliform punctures moderately close-set; head well developed, larger than usual, the eyes at less than their own length from the base, the carinæ fine but entire; antennæ moderately stout, the outer joints distinctly transverse, the second and third shorter than usual, equal in length, the former cylindric, the latter obconic; prothorax short, very transverse, distinctly wider than the head but only just visibly narrower than the elytra, subparallel, with moderately rounded sides, the median line very feebly impressed; elytra distinctly transverse, much longer than the prothorax; abdomen as usual, the sixth tergite (♂) trapezoidal, truncate, the truncature gradually evenly though feebly sinuate in median half, the adjoining surface even, with a transverse series of asperate punctures, the auriculæ parallel, rather narrow, nearly straight and abruptly reflexed externally, narrowly rounded at apex but not posteriorly prominent; sterna as usual, the short basal joint of the hind tarsi not as long as the second. Length 2.2-2.5 mm.; width 0.48-0.58 mm. New York (Catskill Mts.).