Page:Memoirs on the coleoptera (IA memoirsoncoleopt01case).pdf/43

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The sternal structure, form of the antennæ and male sexual characters will distinguish this species quite readily; it is scarcely a normal Atheta but seems hardly worthy of subgeneric separation.

Atheta reposita n. sp.—Stout, fusoid, very moderately convex, feebly shining, the abdomen strongly so and strongly and transversely though not very closely strigulate; punctures throughout anteriorly fine, asperulate and close-set; color dark piceous, the head and abdomen black, the elytra paler; legs pale, the antennæ dark; head transverse, the eyes rather convex, at a little less than their own length from the base, the carinæ fine but distinct and entire; antennæ moderately long, slender, feebly and gradually incrassate, the outer joints but little wider than long, the second and third long and equal; prothorax relatively rather small, very moderately transverse, parallel, evenly and strongly arcuate at all sides, much wider than the head and correspondingly much narrower than the elytra, finely, feebly impressed along the median line; elytra large, with somewhat diverging straight sides, rather transverse, very much longer as well as wider than the prothorax; abdomen gradually tapering with straight sides from base to apex, much narrower than the elytra, unusually closely but very finely punctulate, the fifth tergite scarcely longer than the fourth, the sixth (♂) with a slender porrect process at each side of the apex, and, at the middle, two more obtuse and subtuberculiform shorter teeth, separated by a gentle sinus and mutually slightly more distant than either from the lateral processes, their apices in the same transverse line as the latter; mesosternal process extending to apical fourth of the coxæ, gradually prolonged but rather wide apically, its apex narrowly rounded or subacute, rather well separated from the very short and broadly, obtusely angulate metasternum; hind tarsi long, the basal joint shorter than the second. Length 2.6 mm.; width 0.75 mm. Utah (southwestern),—Weidt.

The general form of this species is not unlike carlottæ, but with very different male sexual characters and conformation of the sterna.

Atheta ostenta n. sp.—Allied to the last but less stout and rather less shining, the similarly asperulate punctures even denser, the abdomen nearly similar in sculpture and punctuation; color black, the elytra pale, the legs still paler but with piceous femora, the antennæ dark; head similar, the eyes slightly smaller, at about their own length from the base, the carinæ distinct and entire; antennæ nearly similar but with the equal second and third joints rather shorter and the outer joints more transverse; prothorax similar but relatively larger, the elytra smaller, the former moderately transverse, parallel and rounded at the sides, much wider than the head, not impressed on the median line but feebly before the scutellum; elytra moderately transverse, more parallel, much wider as well as longer than the prothorax; abdomen much narrower than the elytra, parallel, narrowing slightly apically, the fifth tergite slightly longer than the fourth, the sixth (♂) with a smaller, correct and acutely aciculate process at each side of the apex and two very short obtuse median projections, the disposition of the four