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the sixth (♂) very broad at apex, sinuate at each side within a slender porrect acute process, the middle between the sinuses projecting posteriorly in a large lobe, parallel basally, which has its angles very broadly rounded, with acute, and slightly reflexed edges and the apex sinuate medially; mesosternum rather broad between the coxæ, extending beyond their middle, with its apex rapidly acute but not aciculate and separated from the metasternal projection, which is nearly twice as wide as long with the apex of its angle rounded, by a moderately long and very deep concavity; first four joints of the hind tarsi equal, only moderately elongate. Length 2.6 mm.; width 0.7 mm. Mississippi (Vicksburg).

A very distinct species in all of its characters, but especially in the sexual modifications of the male.

Atheta prolata n. sp.—Moderately slender and convex, subparallel, rather dull, minutely, closely, asperulately punctulate, the abdomen shining; color black, the prothorax dark piceous, the elytra paler, the legs still paler, the antennæ blackish, slightly paler basally; head moderately transverse, the eyes large, convex and prominent, at much less than their own length from the base, the carinæ very fine and faint but subentire; antennæ rather short, gradually rather thick distally, the second and third joints moderately elongate, equal in length, the latter much more strongly obconical, the outer joints strongly transverse, the eleventh finely pointed, evidently longer than the two preceding; prothorax moderate in size, rather strongly transverse, much longer than the prothorax; abdomen parallel, much narrower than the elytra, the tergites equal in length, the sixth (♂) broad at base but very rapidly trapezoidal, apparently without a trace of lateral processes, the apex comparatively narrow, transversely and gently bisinuate, the lateral angles broadly rounded, the surface not peculiarly modified, flat; mesosternal process extending to apical third of the coxæ, its apex drawn out but only moderately slender, the point blunt, separated from the triangular metasternum by a rather short depressed interval; tarsal joints rather short. Length 2.4 mm.; width 0.6 mm. California (mountains near Claremont),—Baker.

The male sexual characters are unlike anything else that I have observed in the genus.

The following seven species are described in some cases from the female, or perhaps from males without distinguishing abdominal characters, but in every instance there are structural features which will render them easy to identify and they are all widely isolated.

Atheta mollicula n. sp.—Moderately stout and convex, shining, pale testaceous, the head and a large subapical abdominal cloud black, the elytra blackish extero-posteriorly; antennæ blackish, basally pale, the legs very pale; micro-reticulation unusually coarse but very feeble, the punctures minute and rather sparse; head moderate, the eyes at more than their own length from the base, strongly setose, the carinæ fine but distinct,