Page:Memoirs on the coleoptera (IA memoirsoncoleopt01case).pdf/56

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Memoirs on the Coleoptera.

black, the elytra rather dark and uniform brown-flavate, the legs pale; head moderately transverse, the eyes longer and more prominent than the tempora, which are parallel, rounding basally, the carinæ very fine, not entire; antennæ rather short, much thicker and more strongly incrassate distally than in the three preceding, the outer joints strongly transverse, the last stout, oval, pointed, rather longer than the two preceding, the second and third elongate, equal; prothorax transverse, distinctly wider than the head and narrower than the elytra, the parallel sides moderately arcuate, rather more so before the middle than basally, scarcely impressed; elytra distinctly transverse though much longer than the prothorax; abdomen parallel throughout, narrower than the elytra, the fifth tergite but slightly longer than the fourth, the sixth in the type broad, very feebly and gradually sinuato-truncate medially at tip' mesosternal process extending to nearly apical fourth of the coxæ, gradually prolonged but only moderately slender at apex, well separated from the short and broadly angulate, rather blunt metasternum, the intervening ridge very broadly convex; hind tarsi with the joints moderately slender, the first but slightly shorter than the second. Length 2.3 mm.; width 0.5 mm. New York (Catskill Mts.).

This species resembles the preceding in the tarsi, sterna and carinæ of the head, but differs in sculpture and in the sculpture of the antennæ.

Donesia n. subgen.

This name is proposed for a small species, at first sight resembling the preceding but distinguishable by the form of the head and the complete absence of all trace of infra-lateral carinæ; the type is the following:

Atheta (Donesia) temporalis n. sp.—Nearly parallel, rather depressed, subalutaceous, very finely and distinctly micro-reticulate throughout, more feebly on the abdomen, the punctures extremely fine, close but wholly inconspicuous; color piceous-black, the elytra and legs but slightly paler, piceous; head rather well developed and transverse, the eyes somewhat small, strongly convex, at a little more than their own length from the base, the parallel tempora broadly arcuate and sensibly more prominent than the eyes; antennæ not very stout, very gradually and feebly incrassate, piceous throughout, extending to about the middle of the elytra, the second joint cylindric, about as long as the more obconic third, tenth slightly wider than long, the eleventh as long as the two preceding; prothorax transverse, almost as wide as the elytra but much wider than the head, the parallel sides feebly arcuate, straighter basally, the angles obtuse though rather distinct, the median line very faintly impressed; elytra very moderately transverse, much longer than the prothorax; abdomen narrower than the elytra, parallel basally, thence very feebly narrowed to the apex, the fifth tergite much longer than the fourth, the sixth in the type notably narrow, the apex feebly and gradually sinuate in about the median third; mesosternal process extending only slightly behind the middle of the coxæ, the apex gradually prolonged and very finely