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to about the middle, fine; antennæ rather short, gradually and distinctly incrassate, the outer joints moderately transverse, the last obtuse, shorter than the two preceding, the second much longer than the third but shorter than the next two; prothorax moderately transverse, somewhat wider subapically than basally, with feebly arcuate sides, distinctly wider than the head and rather evidently narrower than the elytral base, the median line finely impressed in basal half; elytra subparallel, only slightly shorter than wider, very much longer than the prothorax, the apices not sinuate laterally; abdomen rather long, much narrower than the elytra though slightly wider at the apex of the fourth tergite than at base, the sixth ventral in the type feebly produced, broadly trapezoidal, with the apex arcuately truncate and the angles broadly rounded. Length 1.9 mm.; width 0.42 mm. California (Truckee).

The sterna of this distinct species are nearly as in alamedana, except that the metasternal projection is much shorter and more broadly though evidently angulate; the tarsi are rather slender, with the first four joints of the posterior equal.

Atheta (Microdota) perversa n. sp.—Form rather stout and a little larger, black, the elytra dark piceous, the legs pale piceo-flavate; surface slightly shining, closely and very finely punctate and micro-reticulate, the reticulation of the abdomen coarser but almost completely obsolete, its surface polished; pubescence short, rather abundant, dusky-cinereous; head slightly transverse, sensibly broader basally, the eyes about as long as the tempora but less prominent, the carinæ fine, extending to the middle; antennæ pale brown, moderately short and incrassate, the outer joints evidently wider than long, the last elongate-oval, nearly as long as the two preceding, the basal joints as in the preceding; prothorax very moderately transverse, parallel, with rather feebly rounded sides, much wider than the head and evidently though less markedly narrower than the elytra, vaguely flattened or subimpressed medially; elytra moderately transverse; much longer than the prothorax, the apices distinctly though not deeply sinuate externally; abdomen distinctly narrower than the elytra, the sides feebly converging and straight from base to apex, finely, rather closely and evidently punctate, the sixth tergite in the types small, with the apex feebly sinuate medially, the angles broadly rounded; sterna nearly as in the preceding, except that the apex of the mesosternum is less aciculate, being very narrowly truncate at tip, the tarsi similar. Length 2.0 mm.; width 0.52 mm. California (Gualala, Mendocino Co.).

In the peculiar form and sculpture of the abdomen this species resembles properans, but otherwise it is quite different.

Hilara Rey.

These small slender species are held to form merely a group of Microdota. Our representatives are rather numerous and well differentiated, but are evidently congeners of Hilara palliola Er., though in nearly every case having the prothorax more developed.