Page:Memorable Battle of Bannockburn.pdf/6

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This Edward in the centre saw, and grieved at the sight,
To find no other safety left, but in a speedy flight.

On a hill at little distance unarmed swains beheld
The huge devastation and carnage of the field.
Exulting they gave a shout, which made the hills resound,
And (illegible text)ctuating enemy did totally confound;
A(illegible text)anic then prevail’d, inglorious flight
(illegible text) with light armed horse, most vigorously pursu’d,
Till Edward reached to Dunbar, where joyfully he saw
A scurvy fishing boat, in which he meanly sneak’d awa’.

Thus ended the dread campaign of Edward the Great;
Thus vanish’d into smoke every formidable threat;
While the riches of his camp did repay the victor’s toil,
Who gloriously expos’d their lives to guard the Scottish soil:
The generous love of liberty, our country, and our laws,
Thus fir’d our noble ancestors to fight in Freedom’s cause;