Page:Memorandum (Rear-Admiral Sir John C. Dalrymple Hay, 1912).djvu/12

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of whom Sir Sydney Dacres was then one. As this course was taken by Sir Sydney Dacres because, as I gathered from him, that in the subsequent Reports there were Minutes by his colleagues in which my name appeared, and that he consequently objected to my seeing them on his own responsibility, I have the honour to request that any Minutes made by the present Board, or by any of its members, and reflecting personally upon me for my acts as a member of the late Board, may be submitted to me for my information.

I have the honour, &c.,
J. C. D. HAY.
The Secretary of the Admiralty.

The Admiralty to Sir John Hay.

Admiralty, January 22, 1870.

I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th instant, requesting that Papers in this Department relative to the Frazer Gun Manufacture may be shown to you, and to acquaint you that you are at liberty to read any Papers or Minutes written before you left office on this subject, but that their Lordships cannot submit for your perusal any Minutes or Memoranda which may have been made or written after you left office.

I am, Sir, &c.,
Rear-Admiral Sir J. C. D. Hay, Bart., M.P., C.B.,
108, St. George's Square, S.W.

Sir John Hay to the Admiralty.

108, St. George's Square, S.W.,
January 27, 1870.


I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, L.M.M., dated 22nd January, 1870. I beg you to thank the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for their permission to read any Papers or Minutes written before I left the Admiralty on the subject of the Frazer Gun Manufacture.