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Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the House do now adjourn.

The resolutions were adopted unanimously.

And accordingly the House adjourned.

In the House of Representatives,

March 16, 1886.

The Speaker announced as the committee to escort the remains of the late Hon. Michael Hahn from Washington to New Orleans Mr. Louis St. Martin, of Louisiana; Mr. A. B. Irion, of Louisiana; Mr. C. P. Snyder, of West Virginia; Mr. W. W. Ellsberry, of Ohio; Mr. F. D. Ely, of Massachusetts; Mr. G. W. E. Dorsey, of Nebraska, and Mr. Joseph Lyman, of Iowa.

In the House of Representatives,

May 15, 1886.

Mr. St. Martin. Mr. Speaker, the House is convened under special order that we may pay a tribute of respect to the memory of our deceased colleague, the late Hon. Michael Hahn, a Representative from the State of Louisiana, and I send to the Clerk's desk resolutions which I ask to have read and considered.

The Clerk read as follows:

Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. Michael Hahn, late a Representative from the State of Louisiana.

Resolved, That in the demise of our late colleague the country has suffered the loss of a wise legislator, a valuable citizen, and an able and faithful public servant.

Resolved, That as an additional mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the House, at the conclusion of these memorial proceedings, shall stand adjourned.

Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate.