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Page:Memory (1913).djvu/111

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Retention as a Function of Order of Succession

tions 6 sheets were prepared. The fronts and backs of these could be easily distinguished but not the sheets themselves. The thirty sheets were shuffled together and then laid aside until any memory as to the occurrence of the separate syllables in definite transformations could be considered as effaced. Then the front side, and 24 hours later, the reverse side of a given sheet were learned by heart. The times necessary for learning the separate series were noted, but they were not assembled and further elaborated until all 30 sheets had been completed. Following are the numbers.

1) With derivation of series transformed by skipping one intermediate syllable.
The original series were
learned in x seconds
The corresponding
derived series, in y seconds
The latter, therefore,
with a saving of z seconds
x= y= z=
1137 1081 56
1292 1045 247
1202 1237 ―35
1272 1202 70
1436 1299 137
1340 1157 183
m 1280 1170 110

2) With derivation of the series by skipping two intermediate syllables.
x= y= z=
1415 1232 183
1201 1290 ―89
1291 1156 135
1358 1153 205
1232 1254 ―22
1168 1107 61
m 1278 1199 79

3) With derivation of the series by skipping three intermediate syllables.
x= y= z=
1205 1166 39
1339 1068 271
1179 1293 ―114
1238 1196 42
1257 1231 26
1240 1122 118
m 1243 1179 64