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Page:Memory (1913).djvu/48

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1. For the tests at time B: m = 871, P.E.o = ± 63.

Distribution of the Separate Values
Within the
Number of deviations
Counted Calculated
¼ P.E. 4 5
½ P.E. 10 10 .3
P.E. 21 19 .5
1 ½ P.E. 28 26 .8
2 P.E. 32 32 .0
2 ½ P.E. 35 35 .4
3 P.E. 37 37 .3

2. For the tests at time C: m = 1,258, P.E.o = ± 60.

Distribution of the Separate Values
Within the
Number of deviations
Counted Calculated
¼ P.E. 7 5 .0
½ P.E. 10 10 .0
P.E. 19 19 .0
1 ½ P.E. 26 26 .0
2 P.E. 31 31 .0
2 ½ P.E. 34 34 .5
3 P.E. 36 36 .4

In addition I mention a series of only twenty tests, with which I shall conclude this summary. Each test consisted of the learning of eight separate series of thirteen syllables each, which had been memorised once one month before. The average was in this case 892 seconds with a probable error of observation of 54. The single values were grouped as follows:

Within the
Number of deviations
Counted Calculated
¼ P.E. 3 2 .7
½ P.E. 5 5 .3
P.E. 10 10 .0
1 ½ P.E. 12 13 .8
2 P.E. 17 16 .5
2 ½ P.E. 19 18 .2
3 P.E. 20 19 .1