chance, and to play it properly one must thoroughly study it,—a whist memory will be the result. The following verses from Pole's work will give a few hints:—
If you the modern game of Whist would know
From this great principle its precepts flow;—
Treat your own hand as to your partner's joined
And play, not one alone, but both combined.
Your first lead make your partner understand
What is the chief component of your hand;
And hence there is necessity the strongest,
That your first lead be from your suit that's longest.
In this with ace and king, lead king then ace;
With king and queen, king also has first place;
With ace, queen, knave, lead ace and then the queen;
With ace, four small ones, ace should first be seen;
With queen, knave, ten, you let the queen precede;
In other cases, you the lowest lead.
Ere you return your friend's your own suit play;
But trumps you must return without delay.
When you return your partner's lead, take pains
To lead him back the best your hand contains,
If you receive not more than three at first;
If you had more, you may return the worst.
But if you hold the master card, you're bound
In most cases to play it second round.
Whene'er you want a lead 'tis seldom wrong
To lead up to the weak or through the strong.
If second hand, your lowest should be played,
Unless you mean "trump signal" to be made;
Or if you've king and queen, or ace and king,
Then one of these will be the proper thing.
Mind well the rules for trumps, you'll often need them;
When you hold Five 'tis always right to lead them;
Or if the lead won't come in time to you,
Then signal to your partner so to do.
Watch also for your partner's trump request,
To which, with less than four, play out your best.
To lead through honours turned up is bad play
Unless you want the trump suit cleared away.
When second hand, a doubtful trick you see,
Don't trump it if you hold more trumps than three;
But having three or less trump fearlessly.