Donnelly, Ross, a student of Lincoln's Inn 2 Nov., 1826 (then aged 18), called to the bar 18 Nov., 1831 (eldest son of Ross Donnelly, vice-admiral of the Blue); born , 1808.
- Sydney, New South Wales.
Donogh, Walter Russell, M.A. Edinburgh Univ., practises before the supreme court of Calcutta, a student of the Inner Temple 24 Nov., 1877 (then aged 22), called to the bar 11 May, 1881 (only son of Thomas Andrew Donogh, Bengal C.S.); born , 1855.
- Calcutta.
Donovan, Thomas, a student of the Middle Temple 14 May, 1881, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1884 (3rd son of Jerome Donovan, justice of the peace, of Sydney, New South Wales); born , .
- 42, Craven Hill Gardens, Lancaster Gate, W.
Doran, Alfred, LL.B., Christ's Coll., Camb., 1881, B.A. 18S0, a student of the Inner Temple 16 Nov., 1877 (then aged 19), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1881 (3rd son of John Doran, of Hobart Town, Tasmania, gentleman); born , 1858.
Doran, Andrew Thomas Plunkett, a student of the Middle Temple 20 Jan., 1844, called to the bar 24 Nov., 1848 (eldest son of Andrew Doran, of Mount Radford, Exeter, gentleman, dec.); born , .
Doria, Adair Andrew, LL.B., Trin. Hall, Camb., 1832, equity draftsman and conveyancer, Law Times reporter in Court of Bankruptcy, author of Law of Bankruptcy, a student of Lincoln's Inn 28 May, 1839 (then aged 28), called to the bar 9 June, 1842 (2nd son of Marquis Spineto, of Cambridge); born , 1811.
- The Cottage, New Road, Shepherd's Bush, W.; 25, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Dorsett, Samuel Smith, a member of the Midland circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 24 Jan., 1874, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1876 (youngest son of William Smith Dorsett, of Beaston, co. Derby, gentleman); born , .
- Late of Bearley House, near Stratford-on-Avon.
Doughty, Henry Montagu, equity draftsman and conveyancer, J.P. Suffolk, lord of the manor of Theberton, undergrad. Trin. Hall, Camb., formerly in the fleet, a student of Lincoln's Inn 26 Jan., 1860 (then aged 18), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1863 (eldest son of Rev. Charles Montagu Doughty, late of Theberton, Suffolk, dec.); born 15 March, 1841; married 21 Aug., 1860, Edith Rebecca, only dau. of D. Cameron, Esq., chief justice of Vancouver's Island, and has issue.
- Theberton Hall, Saxmundham; 5, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.; Carlton Club.
Douglas, Alfred Allan, B.A., Gonville and Cains Coll., Camb., 1853, goes the Midland circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 16 Nov., 1859, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1866 (son of James Douglas, Esq., of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk); born , ; married 4 June, 1868, Emma Jane, eldest dau. of late Samuel Straight, Esq.
- Lamb Buildings, Temple, E.C.
Akers-Douglas, Aretas, M.P. East Kent since April, 1880, lieut. East Kent yeomanry since 1877, J.P. Kent and Dumfriesshire, undergrad. Univ. Coll., Oxon, from Eton, a student of the Inner Temple 6 Nov., 1871 (as Aretas Akers, then aged 20), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1875, assumed the additional surname and arms of Douglas by royal licence 1875 (eldest son of late Rev. Aretas Akers, of Mailing Abbey, Kent, clerk in holy orders); born 21 Oct., 1851; married 10 June, 1875, Adeline Mary, dau. of Horatio Austen Smith, Esq., of Hayes Court, Kent, and has issue.
- Chilston Park, Maidstone; Craigs, Dumfries; West Calder, Edinburgh; Carlton and Union Clubs.
Douglas, Greville Charles, Trin. Coll., Camb., undergrad. Edinburgh Univ., a student of Lincoln's Inn 22 Jan., 1866 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1868 (only son of Sir Charles Eurwicke Douglas, K.C.M.G.); born , 1844.
- 27, Wilton Crescent, S.W.
Douglas, Malcolm Percy, a member of the North Wales and Chester circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 29 June, 1878, called to the bar 11 May, 1881 (2nd son of John Kenmuir Douglas, Esq., late of Caxton House, Bangor); born , .
- Caxton House, Bangor; 1. New Court, Temple, E.C.
Douglas, Robert Archibald, M.A., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1852, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of the Inner Temple 28 April, 1848 (then aged 21), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1854 (2nd son of Rev. H. Douglas, prebendary of Durham); born , 1847.
- 14, Cromwell Crescent, South Kensington, S.W.; 6, New Square, W.C.
Dowdeswell, George Francis, B.A., Magdalen Coll., Camb., 1851, sometime in 89th foot, a student of Lincoln's Inn 5 Nov., 1850 (then aged 21), called to the bar 6 June, 1866 (eldest son of George Dowdeswell, Esq., of Down House, Redmarley, co. Worcester); born , 1829.
- Late of Down House, Redmarley, co. Worcester.
Dowdeswell, George Morley, Q.C., M.A., Pembroke Coll., Oxon, 1833, an official referee of the High Court of Justice since 1877, recorder of Newbury since 1854, editor of Smith's Mercantile Law, Starkie on Evidence, Bayley on Bills, author of treatises on The Merchant Shipping Act and Life and Fire Assurance, a student of the Inner Temple 2 June, 1831 (then aged 22), called to the bar 6 June, 1834, Q.C. 15 Dec., 1866, bencher 25 Jan., 1867, treasurer 1883 (2nd son of William Dowdeswell, late of Inner Temple and of Ewell, Surrey, bar.-at-law); born , 1809.
- Rogate Lodge, Petersfield; 46, Phillimore Gardens, W.; 1, Harcourt Buildings, Temple, E.C.; Garrick Club.
Dowling, James Sheen, LL.B., King's Coll., London, 1841, district court judge (metropolitan and coast district) New South Wales since 1869, a student of the Middle Temple 25 Nov., 1836, called to the bar 24 Nov., 1843 (2nd son of Hon. James Dowling, of the supreme court Sydney, New South Wales); born .
- 41, Craven Street, W.C.; Sydney, New South Wales.