Page:Men of Mark in America vol 2.djvu/297

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field was elected to the presidency, the present church building was projected as a memorial. It was completed at a cost of sixty-seven thousand dollars. During Doctor Power's pastorate this church and the six colonies it has sent out have numbered over two thousand members.

Doctor Power has published "The Life of W. K. Pendelton, President of Bethany College" (1903); "Bible Doctrine for Young People" (1899); "A Sketch of the Pioneers of the Christian Church" (1898). He was president of the General Home Missionary society, and of the General Educational society of the Disciples of Christ, the denomination of his choice and of his lifelong service. " The classics, Greek, Latin and English, the Bible, with but little theology," are his best loved reading. He enjoys walking, travel and light reading. His own decision led him into the ministry, in which he has been signally useful. He says, "failures have come, and have only stimulated to more persistent effort. They have always been my greatest helps. Christian principles, up-to-date methods, industrious and temperate habits will bring the consummation" — true success in life.

In the dual relation of friend and pastor Doctor Power preached in the Capitol at Washington at the funeral of the martyred President Garfield, in 1881. He is generally beloved in Washington where he has given his best energy to the promotion of the moral and religious elevation of the community. He is an earnest advocate of temperance and of all moral reforms.