Page:Men of Mark in America vol 2.djvu/333

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side is the only one who knows." And to young men he says: "Two opposite thoughts always present themselves in beginning life; the first is, 'How much can I get out of life—how much of honor, pleasure or riches?' The second is, 'How much can I give — how can I give myself for the building up of God's kingdom of truth and righteousness among men? ' While the majority of young men choose the first, and only a handful the second of these alternatives, the latter become the robust men and the moral leaders of their generation; and the highest success in life comes to him who follows unswervingly those seven greatest things in life, which are set forth in the Lord's Prayer."

Bishop Satterlee was married June 30, 1866, to Jane Lawrence Churchill. They have had two children. Their son, the Reverend Churchill Satterlee, a clergyman of the Episcopal church, died in 1904. His wife and three children survive him. Bishop Satterlee's daughter is living (1906).