Page:Men of Mark in America vol 2.djvu/81

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law, October 3, 1903. He passed through all grades from second lieutenant to major-general commandant.

He is a member of the Loyal Legion; the Grand Army of the Republic; the Naval Order of the United States Farragut Veterans; and the Army and Navy clubs of Washington and New York. He has never voted. Military writings have been his favorite reading. All out-of-door sports attract him. "I do not think I have failed in what I had hoped for," he writes. "When I was appointed commandant of the marine corps my ambition was to make the marine corps one of the best branches of the service; and I think the country will bear me out in saying I succeeded." He brought about the increase of the marine corps from 2000 when he took command of it, to 7500 at his retirement.

He was married to Miss Carrie Bacon, of Washington, District of Columbia.