soon clianged to Philadelphia, as the Massachusetts authorities ob- jected to its sale in that State on the ground of immorality. Mr. Whitman's most marked peculiarity is his deviation from the usual poetic forms of rhythm and metre. WHITTIEE, John Gbeenleap, bom at Haverhill, Massachusetts, Dec. 17, 1807. Until the age of eighteen he worked on a farm and occasionally as a shoemaker. In 1825 he entered a school of the Society of Friends, of which he is a member, and in 1829 went to Boston as editor of a newspaper, the American Manufacturer, and in the following year became editor of the New England Weekly Review, published at Hartford, Connec- ticut; but in 1832 returned to Haverhill to edit the Haverhill Oaseite, and work upon his farm. He remained there till 183G, being twice a representative in the Legis- lature of the State. In ia3G he became one of the secretaries of the American Anti-Slavery Society, and soon after removed to Phila- delphia, where he edited for four years the Pennsylvania Freeman, an anti-slavery paper. In 1810 he re- turned to Massachusetts, and settled at Amesbury, where he has since resided, being for some years corre- sponding editor of the National Era, publish^ at Washington. Mr. Whit- tier's works are, *' Legends of New England,- in Prose and Verse," 1831 ;
- ' MollPitcher,*'apoem,1833 ;" Mogg
Megone," a poem, 1836; *1 Ballads," 1838 ; " Lays of My Home, and other Poems," 1843; "The Stranger in Lervill," prose essays, 18 1-5 ; " SupematuraUsm in New England," 1847 ; " Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal,*' 1849 ; " TheVoices of Freedom," 181-9 ; " Old Portraits andModern Sketches," 1850; "Songs of Labour, and other Poems," 1850 ; " The Chapel of the Hermits, and other Poems," 1853 ; " A Sabbath Verse," 1853 ; " Literary Recrea- tions and Miscellanies," 1854; " The Panorama," 185G ; " Home Ballads
and Poems," 18G0 ; " In War Time, and other Poems," 1863 ; " National Lyrics," 2 vols., 18G5-6G; "Snow- bound : a Water Idyl," 186G; "The Tent on the Beach," 1867; "Among the Hills, and other Poems," 1868; "Ballads of New England," 1870 ; " Miriam, and other Poems," 1870 ; " Child Life," 1870 ; " The Pennsylvania Pilgrims, and other Poems," 1872; "Child Life, in Prose," 1873; "Hazel Blossoms," 1874 ; " Mabel Martin," 1875 ; and a " Centennial Hymn," 1876; "The Vision of Echard, and other Poems," 1878; and "The King's Missive, and other Poems," 1881. Besides these various fine il- lustrated editions of some of shorter poems have been published sepa- rately. In 1869, and again in 1876, was published a uniform edition of his poems up to date, and in 1875 he published a collection of poetry, under the title of " Songs of Three Centuries." The 70th anniversary of his birthday was publicly cele- brated in Boston in Dec. 1877.
W H I T W O R T H, Sir Joseph, Bart., F.R.S., mechanician, born at Stockport, in 1803, has resided in Manchester since he grew to man- hood, and has been engaged in mechanical and manufacturing pur- suits, being the head of the well- known firm of Joseph Whitworth & Co. The first occasion upon which Mr. Whitworth's name came pro- minently before the public was as the inventor of some improved planing-machines, and other mechanical appliances for the manu- facture of tools, in the Great Ex- hibition of 1851. Some years later, when the English Government were anxiously seeking to perfect their military armaments. Sir Joseph Whitworth made improvements in projectiles, producing, as the result of his researches, fire-arms of ex- traordinary range and great ac- curacy. He has been, and is still, a competitor with Sir W. G. Arm- strong in his efforts to produce ordnance for the national service.