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sion adverse to England on the San Juan Boundary question which had been submitted to his arbitra- tion by the British and American governments. In April, 1873, he visited the Czar at St. Petersburg, and in October of the same year he proceeded to Vienna on a visit to the Emperor of Austria. The well- known correspondence between the Emperor William and the Pope relative to the persecution of the Church in Prussia was published at Berlin, Oct. 14, 1873. In May, 1875, the Czar paid a visit to the Emperor of Germany at Berlin. An attempt was made to assassinate _the Emperor William, while he was driving, on the afternoon of May 11, 1878, in Berlin. The crime was committed by a young Socialist tinker named "Emil Hoedel, who came from Leipsic. He fired two shots from a revolver, but neither of them hit the Emperor, who stood up in his carriage and asked whe- ther they were aimed at him. The man was pursued ; he fired two or three more shots at the crowd, but was captured and handed over to the police, to whom he said he had no intention of murder, but, being unemployed and dissatisfied with the social conditions of life, he had resolved to commit suicide. Sub- sequently the prisoner was tried for the offence, found guilty, and executed. A second attempt upon the life of the Emperor was made on Jime 2, 1878. His Majesty was driving in Unter den Linden to the Zoological Gardens, when two shots were fired at him from the window of a house, and he was wounded in several places. The Emperor ro- turaed immediately to the Palace, and the physicians who removed the shot reported that his Majesty was out of danger. The woiud-be as- sassin was a Br. Nobiling, who, after attempting to commit suicide, was secured by the crowd (who entered the house) and removed to the hos- pital, where he afterwards died from the effects of the wound he had

inflicted upon himself. William I. married, June 11, 1829, the Princess I Augusta, daughter of Charles- I Frederick, Grand-Duke of Weimar. I They have two children — Prince I Frederick-William, who has been i already noticed in this work (g. v.) ;

and the Princess Louise-Mary, born

I Dec. 3, 1838, married Sept. 20, 1856, j to Frederick- William, Grand-Duke

of Baden.

WILLIAM III. (Alexander

Paul Frederick Louis), King of I the Netherlands, Prince of Orange- I Nassau, Grand Duke of Luxemburg, and Duke of Limburgh, born Feb. ! 19, 1817, the eldest son of the late , King William II., by the Princess Anne Pauline, sister of the late Nicholas I., czar of Bussia, suc- ceeded March 17, 1849, and devoted himself to the development of the liberal institutions then recently granted to his country. H.R.H. rendered effectual aid in lightening the burdens of his people by re- ducing his civil list one half, and abrogated the concordat concluded with the Holy See in 1827. His colonial administration has been successful. During the Eussian war of 1854-6, William III. ob- served the strictest neutrality. He married, in 1839, the Princess Sophia Frederica Matilda, daughter of WUliam I., king of Wiirtemberg (she died June 3, 1877), by whom he had issue Prince William Nicho- las Alexander Frederick Charles Henry, Pi*ince of Orange, born Sept. 4, 1853, heir-apparent to the throne (who died at Paris, June 11, 1879), and Prince William Alex- ander Charles Henry Frederick, bom Aug. 25, 1851. King William manded, secondly, at Arulsen ( Wal- deck), on Jan. 7, 1879, the Princ<jii.s Emma Adelaide Wilhclmina The- resa (born Aug. 2, 1858), daughter of Prince George Victor, of Wal- deck and Pyrmont.

WILLIAM (Augustus Louis William Maximilian Frederic), Duke of Brunswick-rWolfenbiittel, bom April 25, 1806, is the younger
