between Semite, Hamite, and Aryan," 1872; " The Great Dronysiak Myth," 2 vols., 1877–8; "The Religion of Zoroaster, considered in connection with Archaic Monotheism," 1879; "The Religion and Mythology of the Aryans of Northern Europe," 1880; "Language, and Theories of its Origin," 1881; "The Unicorn," 1881; "The Law of Kosmic Order," 1882; "Eridanus: River and Constellation," 1883. Mr. Brown is a member of the Society of Biblical Archæology, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, and has contributed to Archæologia, the Academy, and other publications. He is a Solicitor and Registrar of the County Court at Barton.
BROWN, The Rev. William Haig, LL.D., son of Thomas Brown, Esq., born at Bromley, Middlesex, in 1823, was educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge, where he graduated in high honours in 1846, proceeded M.A. in 1849, and LL.D. in 1864. Having held for some time a fellowship and tutorship in his college and an assistant-mastership at Harrow, he became in 1857 Head Master of the Grammar School at Kensington, in connection with King's College, London, and was elected Head Master of Charterhouse School in 1863, on the retirement of the Rev. R. Elwyn. In 1869 Dr. Brown published "Sertum Carthusianum floribus trium seculorum contextum. Curâ Gulielmi Haig Brown, Scholæ Carthusianæ Archididascali."
BROWN-SEQUARD, Edward, a physician and physiologist, born in the island of Mauritius, 1818. He was educated in his native island, and in 1838 went to Paris to complete his medical studies. In 1840 he received the degree of M.D. from the faculty of the Academy of Medicine. He has devoted his time since his graduation almost exclusively to an extended series of experimental investigations on important physiological topics, such as the condition and functions of the different constituents of the blood, animal heat, the spinal column and its relations to diseases of the subject, the muscular system, the sympathetic nerves and ganglions, and the effect of the removal of the supra-renal capsules. He has visited England and the United States many times, delivering in both countries short courses of lectures, and instructing private classes of physicians in his discoveries. He went to the United States to reside in 1864, and was appointed Professor of the Physiology and Pathology of the Nervous System at Harvard University, where he remained four years. Returning to Prance in 1869, he was appointed Professor in the École de Médecine at Paris. He went back to the United States in 1873, began practice in New York, and with Dr. Seguin commenced the publication of Archives of Scientific and Practical Medicine, but eventually returned to Paris, where he now lives. He has published many essays and papers giving the details of his discoveries, and also "Lectures on Paralysis of the Lower Extremities," 1872; and "Lectures on Functional Affections," 1873. He has received several prizes from the French Academy of Sciences, and in 1878 was elected to the chair of medicine in that body.
BROWNE, The Right Rev. Edward Harold, D.D., Bishop of Winchester, youngest son of the late Col. Robert Browne of Morton House, Bucks, born in 1811, was educated at Eton and at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where he graduated as wrangler in 1832, obtained the Crosse Theological Scholarship in 1833, the first Hebrew Scholarship in 1834, and the Norrisian Prize for a theological essay in 1835. He became fellow and tutor of his college; incumbent of St. James's, and of St. Sidwell's, Exeter, in 1841; was Vice-Principal and Professor of Hebrew at St. David's College, Lampeter, from