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he pablished an anonymous satire, the authorship of which remained a secret for four months. It was called " The Fall of Prince Florestan of Monaco" and passed through three editions, and was translated into French. In 1875 he published the works of his grandfather, with a memoir, under the title of " Papers of a Critic." In the same year he again went round the world, and wrote on China and Japan in the monthly magazines. His chief legislative achievemente have been the creation of School Boards, directly elected by the ratepayers (in place of committees of boards of guardians, as proposed by Mr.W. E. Forster), by an amendment of the Education Bill; the conferring of the municipal franchise on women ; the abolition of the barbarous penalty of drawing and quartering ; and, in 1878, the extension of the hours of polling at parliamentary elections in the melaropolis by the measiire known as " Dilke's Act." On the formation of Mr. Gladstene's administration in May, 1880, Sir Charles Dilke was appointed Under- Secretery of State for Foreign Affairs ; and he held that office till Dec. 1882, when he was made President of the Local Government Board (with a seat in the Cabinet), in succession te Mr. Dodson, who had been transferred te the Chan- cellorship of the Duchy of Lancaster. DILLMANN, Christian Fbmd- BicH August, Ph.D., D.D., was bom April 25, 1823, at Illingen, in the district of Maulbronn, in Wiir- temberg, and educated in the gym- nasium at Stuttgart, and the iMwet Evangelical Theological Seminary at S<m5nthal. From 1840 te 1844 he studied philosophy, oriental philology, and theology, in the Uni- versity and in the Higher Theolo- gical Seminary at Tiibing^n. In the autumn of 1844 he ps^sed the first theological official examination, and then devoted another year te ^e study of the oriental languages. In 1846 he became a parish vicar in

Tersheim in the' district of Vi hingen in Wfbrtemberg. From 18 te 1848 he made a scientific tev visiting the libraries in Paris, ai in London and Oxford, where 1 received from the authorities of ti libraries the proposal that he shou draw up catalogues of their iBtl opic MSS. In April, 1848, havi] returned to Wflrtemberg, he becai Bepetent in the Theological Sen nary at Tubingen, and discharg at tiie same time as such the pi fessorate of Old Testament Exegei in the university for the four yeai during which, through the depi ture of Ewald, the office was vacai In 1852 he became Private Doce in the Theological Faculty of t imiversity of ^bingenj and in 18 was nominated by uie King a Pi fessor Extraordinary in the sai Faculty. In 1854 he was called Professor Extraordinary of Orient Languages to the University of K: in Holstein (then belonging Denmark), and on Dec. 2, 1859, ^ nominated by the King a Profess in Ordinary in the same depa^ ment. Here Professor Dillmann i mained until in 1864 he acoepte<] call as Professor in Ordinary Theology to the Univesrity Giessen, in the Grand Duchy Hesse, where he remained till 0< 1869, having in the meanwhile twi fiUed the Office of Bector of t University. In Oct. 1869, he € tered upon his new office as Pi fessor in Ordinary of Old Testame Ex^^is,in the Theological Facul of the Metropolitical University Berlin, which office he still hol( In May, 1846, he graduated as M. and Ph.D. in the University Tflbingen. In Oct. 1862, Profesi DiUmann received the honorary c gree of D.D. from the Universi of Leipsic. The learned Profess has written or edited : " Catalog Codicum MSS. Orientalium qui MuseoBritanniooasservantur. Pa III. oodices .Sthiopicos continei Londini, impensis curaterum Mm Britaanici," 1847 ; "Catalogus coc