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Nubia, Palestine, and Asia Minor^ which he has since published in connection with descriptive texts, in several volumes. In 1851 he was one of the five founders of the Revue de Paris, and he contributed to it, both in prose and verse, until its suspension in 1858. Besides his works of travel in the East, he has published " Les' Chants modemes," poems, 1855 ; " Mes Convictions," poems, 1858 J "En Hollande, let- tres k un ami," 1859 ; " Ezp^tion des Deux Siciles," 1861; "Paris, ses organes, ses fonctions, et sa vie," 6 vols., 1869-75, his most important work ; and " L* Attentat Fiesdii," 1877, being an account of the attempt, which, as a school-boy of twelve, he chanced to witness, that was made by Fieschi in the Boule- vard du Temple on the life of Louis Philippe, July 28, 1835. M. Du Camp has been an officer of the Legion of Honour since 1853. He was elected a member of the French Academy Feb. 26, 1880, in the room of M. St. £en6 Taillandier.

DU CANE, Sib Edmund Fbb- DEBiCK, K.C.B., son of Major Eich- ard Du Cane, by Eliza, daughter of Thomas Ware, Esq., of Woodfort, near Mallow, co. Cork, was born at Colchester, Essex, in 1830. He was educated at the Military Aca- demy, Woolwich, and obtained his commission as second Lieutenant in the Boyal Engineers Dec. 19, 1848. In 1850 he was appointed to assist in preparing for and carrying out the Great Exhibition of 1851, and he appeared in the list of the Staff as assistant secretary to the jurors and assistant superintendent of the foreign side. At that time Lord Grey was forming a convict estab- lishment in Western Australia to carry out a system embodying all the improvements which nearly a century of experience had sug- gested, and a company of Sappers, to which Lieutenant Du Cane was appointed, was sent out to assist in the operation. He was made a magistrate of the colony and a

visiting magistrate of c< depots, and directed the lab< the convicts, who were emi in developing the communic of the colony. In Jijly> 18f was attached to the War D ment for special service, an< ployed on the design of the works of defence undertaken the auspices of Lord Palme; the fortification of the w heights at Dover and the Ion of works which protect the yard at Plymouth on the Ian have been carried out on plai mitted by him to the Defence mittee. In February, 1854, 1 been promoted to be first lieut and on the 16th of April, 18 became second captain. In 1863, he was appointed b George Grey a director of C Prisons when the Board was structed after the death < Joshua Jebb, and when the of the Boyal Commission on Servitude suggested consid modi^cations in the convict s; He was at the same time app by Lord Bipon to be Inspe< Military Prisons. In 1869, C du Cane was made Chaim Directors of Convict Prison veyor-General of Prisons, a] spector-General of Military P In July, 1872, he was promc be Major, and on Dec. 11, 1 be Lieutenant-Colonel, havii in the same year been made i panion of the Bath. The Ei of Brazil has conferred on h order of the Bose. In Dec 1878 he was promoted to a C In July, 1877, he was ere K.C.B., and made Chairman Prison Commissioners, apf by Boyal Warrant undei I^isons Act, 1877, to underts difficult task of reorganizii administering the count; borough prisons, which fron 1, 1878, came under the coe the Government.

DU CHAILLU, Paul Bi bom in Paris, July 31, 183S