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of Durham - Cathedral^ and Sector of St. Mary, in the South Bailey, in the city of Durham. Mr. Green- well is well known as an archeso- logist, principally in connection with the sepulchral remains of the early inhabitants of Britain. His investigations with regard to the territorial possessions of the bishop- ric of Durham, as well as those of the prior and convent of the same place, are familiar to all interested in these and cognate subjects. He has also written on Greek numis- matics, and other branches of the archflBology of that people. Mr. Greenwell is the possessor of a very extensive and valuable col- lection of weapons, implements, and other articles belonging to the stone and bronze periods of Britain and other countries, with which most native and many foreign archsBologists are well acquainted. His large series of skulls, many of which were derived from the bar- rows of England, and which com- prised also numerous examples from America, Australia, and other coun- tries, was given by him some years ago to the University of Oxford, where they are exhibited in the New Museum. In 1879 he pre- sented to the nation a collection, second to none in Britain, of urns and other sepulchral pottery, wea- pons and implements of stone and bronze and ornaments, the result of above twenty years' researches in the burial mounds of many counties of England. These are now lodged in the British Museum. Mr. Greenwell has been President of the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, and for many years President of the Durham and Northumber- land Archseological and Architec- tural Society. His principal works are " Boldon Buke, a Survey of the possessions of the See of Durham in 1183" (1852) j "Bishop Hatfield's Survey," a record of the possessions of the See of Durham (1867) ; '* Wills and Inventories from the Registry at Durham" (1860) j "Feo-

darium Prioratud Dunel survey of the possessio prior and convent of Dur! fifteenth century (1872), lications of the Surtee " British Barrows," a re< examination of sepulchr in various parts of Engla " Durham Cathedral," a illustrative of the build: history (1881) ; and vari< in the "Transactions oi wickshire Naturalists' Fi the Numismatic Chro Journal of Hellenic 8t other publications. Mr. is a Justice of the Pea county of Durham.

GREGG, The Rioht R; Samtjbl, D.D., Bishop Cloyne, and Ross, youn the late Right Rev. Q^regg, Bishop of Cork, beth, daughter of Mr. R of Dublin, was born in educated at Trinity Col lin (B.A., 1867 ; M.A., : was formerly rector of Queenstown, Ireland, t wards precentor of Cor cumbent of St. Finbar in He was appointed to tl of the cathedral church < bar, Cork, in 1874, and 1875, he was elected to t ric of Ossory, Ferns, anc which had been left vac death of the Right £ Thomas O'Brien, D.D. C 1878, he was elected in t his father, the late Dr. J to the bishopric of Cor Henry Jellett, D.D., was nated for the see, but i poll the Bishop of Ossoi 109 out of 160 clerical vol Gregg married, in 18( daughter of Mr. J. H. I of Frankfield, co. Cork.

GREGORY, Sib Cha] TON, K.C.M.G., son of Dr. Olinthus Gregory, tl mathematician, born in educated privately, and apprenticeship as a mill'