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Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/529

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present at the battles of Moodkee and Ferozeshah, and upon the lat- ter occasion was severely wounded by grape-shot^ his horse being at the same moment killed under him. For his conduct in this campaign he was promoted on the recom- mendation of Lord Gough, and re- ceiyed a medal and one clasp. He served also in the same capacity throughout the Punjab campaign of 1848 and 1849, taking part in the affair of outposts at £am- nuggur, the passage of the Chenab, and the battles of Chillianwallah and Goojerat. He served with the 21st Fusiliers through the cam- paign of the Crimea in 1854-55, up to uie siege of Sebastopol. He was created a K.C.B. in 1871 ; became a Ueutenant-general in 1873, and brevet-general in 1877, in which year he was created a G.C.B. He was commander-in-chief of the Madras army from May, 1871, to 1874, when he was appointed colonel of the 104th regiment (Bengal FusiUers). In 1876 he received Bie local rank of general in India. General Haines served with dis- tinction in the Afghan campaign of 1880, and received the thanks of Parliament " for the ability and judgment with which he directed operations."

HALDANE, The Eight Eev. James Bobebt Alexandeb, Bishop of Argyle and the Isles, was born in 1841, and received his education at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took his degree of LL.B. in 1864. He was ordained deacon by the Bishop of Salisbury in 1866 and priest by the same prelate in the following year. In 1876, after having been assistant at All Saints', Edinburgh, for some years, he was appointed to the incumbency of St. Bride's, Lochaber. He was made Dean of Argyle and the Isles in 1881, and was elected Bishop of the diocese, in succession to Dr. Mackamess, in June, 1888.

HALE, Edwaed Everett, D.D., bom in Boston, Massachusetts,

April 3, 1822. He graduated at Harvard College in 1839; studied theology; and was pastor of the (Unitarian) Church of the Unity, Worcester, Massachusetts, from 1846 to 1856. Since that time he has been pastor of the Old South Church, Boston. He has published: "The Eosary," 1848; "Margaret Percival in America," 1850 ; " Sketches of Christian His- tory," 1850; "Letters on Irish Immigration, 1852 ; " Kansas and Nebraska," 1854 ; "America," 1856; "The Man without a Country," 1861 ; " The President's Words," 1865; "If, Yes, and Per- haps," 1868 ; " Sybaris and other Homes," 1869; "Puritan Politics in England and New England," 1869; "Ingham Papers," 1870; "Ten Times One is Ten," 1870; "Daily Bread and other Stories," 1870; "How to Do It," 1871; "Christmas Eve and Christmas Day," 1872; "His Level Best and other Stories," 1872; "Ups and Downs," 1873 ; " Working-men's Homes" 1874; "A Summer Vaca- tion," 1874 ; " In His Name," 1874 ; "Our New Cmsade," 1875; "One Hundred Years," 1875; "Philip Nolan's Friends," 1876 ; " G. T. T., or the Wonderful Adventures of a Pullman," 1877 ; " What Career ? " 1878; "Mrs. Merriam's Scholars," 1878 ; " The Bible and its Eevi- sion," 1879 ; " The Life in Common and other Sermons," 1879; "The Kingdom of God and other Ser- mons," 1880; "Crusoe in New York," 1880 ; " Stories of the War," 1880 ; " Stories of the Sea," 1881 "Stories of Adventure," 1881 " June to May, Sermons of a Year," 1881 ; and (conjointly with Miss Hale) "A Family Fliffht through France, Germany, «&c., ' 1881, and " A Family Flight over Egypt and Syria," 1882. Mr. Hale has been a frequent contributor to periodi- cals, was editor of the Christian Examiner and the founder and editor of Old and New. HALE, The Kight Eev. Mat-
