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lumes upon the " Palaeontology of New York " (1847, 'b2, '59, '67 J. In 1855 he was apix>mted Geologist of the State of Iowa, and published two volumes of " Geological Beports of Iowa" (1858-60). Hs also under- took the study of the graptolites of the so-called Quebec group of Ca- nada, the results being published as a monograph in 1865, and sub- sequently, with additions, in the Twentieth Report of the New York State Cabinet of Natural Hist6ry. In 1879 he published "Descrip- tions of New Species of Fossils from the Niagara Formation at Waldron, Indiana." In 1850 he was elected by the Geographical Society of London one of its fifty foreign members, and in 1858 he received the Wollaston Medal from the same body. He is a member of several scientific societies in Europe and in the United States, to which he has at various times contributed many valuable papers, and has de- scribed the fossils collected by the government explorers in the Wes- tern Surveys, in the successive volumes of the "Pacific Kailroad Survey.'* He is still State Geologist of New York.

HALL, John, D.D., was born in the county of Armagh, Ireland, July 31, 1829. He was educated at Belfast College, which he entered at the age of thirteen, and after completing his studies, received his licence to preach in 1849, going as a missionary to the west of Ireland. He became pastor of a Presbyterian Church in Armagh in 1852, and in 1858 pastor of St. Mary's Abbey, in Dublin. The Presby^Jerian Church of Ireland sent him as a delegate to the Presbyterian Churches of the United States in 1807 ; and shortly after his return to Ireland he was called to the Fifth Avenue Church in New York, over which he was installed in November, 1867. His success there was very marked, and he is regarded as among the ablest preachers in America. He has published " Family Prayers for

Four Weeks (1868) ; " Papers for Home Beading" (1871) ; *' Ques- tions of the Day" (1873) ; God's Word through Preaching" (lb75) j "Foundation Stones for ITouiig Builders" (1879); and, in conjunc- tion with G. H. Stuart, " American Evangelists " (1875) ; besidefi a number of discourses and sermons.

HALL, The Eev. Nbwman, is son of the late Mr. John Vine Hall, the author of the well-known tiract, " The Sinner's Friend," and b2x>ther of Captain J. Y. Hall, who com- manded the Great Ecistem steam- ship on her first voyage acroes the Atlantic. born at Maidstone, May 22, 1816, he was educated at Totteridffe and at Highbury Col- lege, and graduated B.A. at the London University. In 1855 he took the degree of LL.B., and won the law scholarship. He was ap- {x>inted minister of the Albion Con- gregational Church, HuU, in 1842, and remained at that poet till 18^, when he succeeded the Rev. James Sherman as minister of Surrey Chapel, known as Rowland Hill's Chapel, in the Blackfriars Hoad, London. One of the chief features of his work in London was in- augurating a weekly lecture or con- cert on Monday evenings in the chapel, as a coimter-attraction for working men to the public-house. This idea, then nov^, has since been widely carried out by all denominations. Mr. Hall, in 1850, opposed the popular cry against what was called "Papal Aggres- sion," being directly in antagonism to most of his brother ministers. He defended his course on the ground, not of favouring Popery, but of consistent Protestantism, and fidelity to the principle of re- ligious liberty and equality. He has always been an advocate of peace, and of the intercommunioo of all Evangelical Churches. When the civil war in the United States broke out, he advocated the Northern cause in the interests of Union and Freedom. He after-