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airil and political offices, became in 1 s t2 political agent to the Govemor- GeiM»aL in Central India, in which post he displayed CTeat readiness and ability during Uie Indian mu- tiny ; and for his services was created a K.C.B. (Civil division), and received the thanks of both Hooaes of Parliament. Sir Bobert> who is married to a daughter of the late General the Honourable Sir George Anson, G.C.B., was in Eng- land when the mutiny broke out, and returned at once to Calcutta, whence he was sent by the Gover- nor-Oeneral with full powers, to accompany the force under 6^n. Sir Hugh Bose. He was present in every engagement, and in the field throughout the whole campaign, imtil tlanquillity was restored in Central India, when he was com- pelled, on account of ill health, to leave the country, and to give up the appointment to the Supreme Council in India, which had been conferred upon him. He received the medal and clasp. After his retom he was High Sheriff of Warwickshire, in which county he 18 a Magistrate and Deputy-Lieu- tenant. Sir B. Hamilton contested Sooth Warwickshire in the Liberal interest at the general election of Dec. 1868, and failed by 29 votes.

HAlfLEY, LiKUTBN ANT - Gene- ral Sib Edward Bruce, K.C.B. , K.C.M.G., fourth son of Admiral William Hamley, K.L., by his wife Barbara, daughter of Mr. Charles Ogilvy of Lerwick, was born at Bodmin in Cornwall, April 27, 182 i. He was educated at the grammar school kept by the late William Hicks (a remarkable humorist), and at the Boyal Military Academy, Woolwich. He entered the army as second lieutenant in the Eoyal Artillery in 1843. He obtained a captamcy in 1850, became Brevet Major in 185 1, was promoted to Lieutenant -Colonel in 1864, to Colonel in 1873, to Major-General in 1879, and to Lieutenant-General in 1882. He served in the Crimean

campaign in 1851-5, including the affairs of Bulganac and McKenzie's Farm; the battle of the Alma, whtre his horse was shot ; Balaclava, ami Inkerman, where his horse was killed ; the siege and fall of Sobas- topol, and repulse of the sortie on Oct. 26, 1854, when he was men- tioned in despatches. From 1H70 to 1877 he was Conunandant of the Staff College. He was employed as Her Majesty's Commissioner for the delimitation of the Balkan frontier (1879), for the delimitation of the Busso-Turkish frontier in Armenia (1880), for the evacuation of Epirus and Thessaly by the Turkish forces, and for the occupation of the same by the Greek army (1881) — all the?e measures being in fulfilment of the Treaty of Berlin. In the Egyptian war of 1882 he commanded tie second division. He was nominated a Companion of the Order of the Bath in 1867 ; a Knight Comma^ider of the Order of SS. Michael and George in Jan. 1880; Grand Officer of the Medjidie in 1881 ; and a Knigl t Commander of the Order of the Bath in Nov. 1882. His literal y works are: — "Ensign Faunce," a novel published in Fraser^a Magazine 1848-9; "Lady Lee's Widowhood." a novel published in Blackwood 1853, and afterwards re-published in two vols, with illustrations by the author 1854; "Campaign of Sc- bastopol, written in the Camp " 185-4-5; "The Operations* of War," 4to, now in its 4th edition ; " Our Poor Relations : a Philozoic Essay " 1870; "Voltaire," in the series of " Foreign Classics " 1877 ; "Thomas Carlyle," an essay re- published from Blackwood 1881 : also many essays in Blackwood, including " Wellington's Career " (re-published in 1862), and " Shak- spere's Funeral," re-published in " Tales from Blackwood.**

HAMLIN, Hannibal, statesman, bom at Paris, Maine, Aug. 27, 1809. He prepared for college, but the death of his father compelled him to take charge of his farm. At the a.-i^e