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Conservative Scheme for National Spelling Reform."

HARPER, The Right Rev. Henbt John Chitty, D.D., Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand, was bom at Gosport, Hampshire, in 1807, and educated at Queen's Col- lege, Oxford (B.A. 1826, M.A. 1840). After having been private tutor to the sons of Sir Charles Coote, he officiated for many years as '* con- duct " or chaplain to Eton College, by which society he was presented in 1810 to the vicarage of Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire, whence he was appointed, in 185G, first Bishop of Christchurch. The diocese was reconstituted in 1869 and made metropolitan over the sees of Auckland, Wellington, Waiapu, and Nelson.

HARRIS, The Hon. Sib Edwabd Alfred John, K.C.B., second son of the late Eai*l of Malmesbury, and heir-presumptive to that title, born May 20, 1808, was educated at Eton and the Royal Naval College, entered the navy in 1823, and, having served on, the South American, Mediter- ranean, and Portuguese stations, attained the rank of Captain in 1843. He was member for Christ- church, Hants, in the Conservative interest, from 1814 to 1852, when, during his brother's (the Earl of Malmesbury) teniu*e of the seals of the Foreign Office, he was appointed Consul at Elsinore, was transferred to Peru as Consul-General and Charg^ d' Affaires the same year, and to Chili in the same capacity a few months later. In 1858 he was appointed Consul at Venice, and shortly afterwards Envoy-Extra- ordinary and Minister-Plenipoten- tiary at Berne. He obtained his flag April 12, 1862 ; was created a C.B. the next year; advanced to the rank of Vice- Admiral May 24, 1867 ; was nominated Envoy-Extra- ordiiiary and Minister-Plenipoten- tiary to the King of the Netherlands Aug. 22, 1867 ; and was created a K.C.B. (civil division) in 1872.

HARRIS, Geobgb,LL.D.,F.S.A., born in 1809, entered the navy as a midshipman, but left it on account of ill-health. He was formerly a member of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. He was called to the bar in 1843, and went the Midland circuit ; was the acting jucjge of the Birming- ham County Court for two years, under the direction of the Lord Chancellor, and was appointed one of the Registrars of the Court of Bankruptcy in 1862, from which post he retired in 1868. Mr. Harris is the author of " The Life of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke," 1847, which was dedicated to the late Prince Consort, who took much interest in the work, and placed at Mr. Harris's disposal certain of the MSS. at Windsor Castle. Mr.Harris is also the author of " Civilization conMdered as a Science;" "The True Theory of Representation in a State;" and "The Theory of the Arts," which has been trans- lated into French. He was the originator of the Commission for inquiring into the collections of ancient historical manuscripts, the proposal for which was made in a paper that he read before the Social Science Association in 1857, and was warmly espoused by Lord Brougham, and a very influentiaUy signed memorial in its favour was presented to Lord Palmerston. Mr. Harris has been a Vice-I^esident of the Anthropological Institute, and was for some time President of the Manchester Anthropological Society. He is also a member of the British Association, before which he read papers in 1871, 1872, and dtuing part of the next year. He is also a Fellow and one of the Vice-Presidents of the Royal Historical Society. In 1876 he published his " Philosophical Trea- tise on the Nature and Constitution of Man," which was the labour of more than forty yeai-s. Valuable notes were contributed to it by several distinguished writers, both English and foreign, among them