operation of several eminent anti- quaries; an edition of Blount's "Tenures of Land and Customs of Manors," 1874; and "Mary and Charles Lamb : Poems, Letters, and Remains ; now first collected, with Reminiscences and Notes," 1874 j "The Poems and other Bemains of Sir John Suckling," 1874; "Dods- ley's Old Plays," 16 vols., 1874-6;; "Fairy Tales, Legends, and Ro- mances, illustrating Shakspere and other Early English Writers," 1875; "Shakspere's Library," 6 vols., 1875; "Works of Thomas Randolph," 1875 ; " Fugitive Tracts (written in verse) which illustrate the Condition of Religious and Political Feeling in England, and the State of Society there, during two centuries, 1493-1700," 2 vols., 1875; "Bibliographical Collections and Notes," 2 series, 1876-82; "Ritson's Antient Songs and Ballads," 1877; "Poetical Recreations," 1877; "The Baron's Daughter, a Ballad," 1877 ; " Es- says of Montaigne," 3 vols., 1877 ; "Essays and Criticisms on the Fine Arts, by Thomas Griffiths Waine- wright," 1880; and "Catalogue of the Huth Library," 5 vols., 1880.
HEATH, Christopher, F.B.C.S., was born in London in 1835, and educated at King's College, Lon- don. He was appointed Assistant- Surgeon and Lecturer on Anatomy at the Westminster Hospital in 1862 ; Assistant - Surgeon and Teacher of Operative Surgery at University College Hospital in 1866; Holme Professor of Clinical Surgery and Surgeon to University College Hospital in 1875; Fellow of King's College; Member of Council of the Royal College of Sur- geons in 1881 ; and Consulting Surgeon to the Dental Hospital. He was Examiner in Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons in 1875-80, and Examiner for Surgical Degrees at the Universities of Cam- bridge and Durham, and at the Boyal College of Physicians, He
is the author of "A Course of Operative Surgery," illustrated, 1876; "Manual of Minor Sur- gery," 6th ed., 1880; "Practical Anatomy," 5th ed., 1881; "In- juries and Diseases of the Jaws" (Jacksonian Prize Essay), 2nd ed., 1872; "Student's Guide to Sur- gical Diagnosis," 2nd ed., 1883; and various contributions to the transactions of learned societies.
HEATH, The Rev. Dunbar Isidore, M. A., born in 1816, gradu- ated at Trinity College, Cambridge, as fifth Wrangler, in 1838, and received from that college, of which he was a Fellow, the vicarage of Brading, Isle of Wight, in 1846. He was prosecuted by his diocesan before the Court of Arches, for expressions in his "Sermons on Important Subjects," published in 1859, alleged to be derogatory to the Thirty-nine Articles, and was, in 1861, sentenced to deprivation of his benefice, which sentence was confirmed on appeal. This case is noteworthy for being the first en- forcement during three centuries of the Act of 13th Elizabeth. Hence it has become a precedent in the other ecclesiastical suits, by which the relations between Church and State are being largely modified. Mr. Heath resigned the vicarage of Brading in 1862. He has written " The Future Kingdom of Christ," 2 vols., 1852-3; "The Exodus Papyri," 1855 ; " A Becord of the Patriarchal Age, or the Proverbs of Aphobis, B.C. 1900, now first translated from the Egyptian," 1858 ; and " Defence of my Pro- fessional Character" (1862).
HEATH, Francis George, youngest son of the late Edward Heath, Esq., was born at Totnes, Devonshire, Jan. 15, 1843, and educated at Taunton. When very young he commenced writing the "Autobiographies of Animals." In 1862 he entered the Civil Service, securing the eighth place in a competition of sixty candidates for twenty appointments. For many