Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/583

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Christ, and on the Age of the Athanasian Creed.

HBWETT, Sib Prbscott Gabdnsb, Bart., F.R.S., received his professional education at St. George's Hospital and in Paris, on the completion of which he passed his examination, and became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England July 15, 1836. He was made an honorary Fellow of the College when the new charter was granted to that institution in Dec., 1843. In 1867 the Fellows of the College elected him a member of the Council. He had previously been appointed a Professor of Human Anatomy and Physiology. In 1876 he succeeded Sir James Paget as President of the College, and in July, 1883, he was created a baronet. He is one of Her Majesty's Serjeant- Surgeons, and also Sur- geon in-Ordinary to the Prince of Wales. He is the author of some valuable papers in the Transac- tions of the Pathological and Cli- nical Societies, of which he has filled the president's chair. He is also a member of many learned and scientific societies at home and abroad.

H E W E T T, Reab- Admiral Sib William Nathan Wbiohte, K.C.B., K.C.S.I., V.C, second son of the late Mr. William Wriffhte Hewett, by Susan Moore, dau^ter of the late Rev. John Maddy, D.D., was born at Brighton in 1834. He entered the Royal Navy in 1847, and became Lieutenant in 1854, Commander in 1858, Captain in 1862, and Rear-Admiral in 1878. He served with the naval brigade in the Burmese war and in China, and also in the Russian war of 185 irS, for which he received the Order of the Legion of Honour and the Sardinian war medal. The Victoria Cross, with two dates, was also conferred upon him for conspicuous bravery in the field before Sebastopol and Inkermann. The official record of those services is as follows :— " On the occasion of

a repulse of a sortie of Russians by Sir De Lacy Evans's division on Oct- 26, 1854, Mr. Hewett, then acting mate of H.M.S. Beagle, was in charge of the ri^ht Lancaster Battery before Sebastopol. The advance of the Russians placed the gun in great . jeopardy, their skirmishers advancing within 800 yards of the battery, and pouring in a sharp fire from their Biinie rifies. By some misapprehension the word was ffiven to spike the gun and retreat ; but Mr. Hewett, tak- ing upon himself the responsibility of disregarding the order, replied that ' such an order did not come from Captain Lushin^^n, and he would not do it till it did." For the gallantry exhibited on this occasion the Board of Admiralty promoted him to the rank of Lieu- tenant. On Nov. 5, 1854, at the battle of Inkermann, Captain Lushington again brought before the Commander - in - Chief the services of Mr. Hewett, saying, * I have much pleasure in again bring- ing Mr. Hewett's gallant conduct to your notice.' " He commanded the Beagle at the capture of Kertch and Yenikali, and in the Azoff expedition. During the Ashajitee war of 1873-4 he was commodore on the west coast of Africa, and he was present at Amoaful and the capture of Coomassie. For his services he was created a Kni^t Commander of the Order of the Bath (March 31, 1874). Subsequently he severely punished the Oongo River pirates for outrages (1875). He was ap- pointed Commander-in-Chief on the East India station in 1882, and in the same year for his services when in command of naval forces in the expedition to Egypt he re- ceived the thanks of Parliament. He was created a Knight Com- mander of the Order of the Star of India in 1882.

HEYSE, Paul, a German poet and novelist, born March 15, 1830, at Berlin, where lus father was a distinguished university professor