Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/585

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till the general election of Jan. 1874, when he was an unsuccessful can- didate, but on the death of Mr. Cobbett in 1877 he regained his seat, and he was again returned at the general election of April, 1880. Mr. Hibbert was Parlia- mentary Secretary to the Local Government Board from 1872 to Feb. 1874, and on the formation of the Gladstone ministry in May, 1880, he was reappointed to his former office, which he held till June 1883, when he was nominated Under-Secretary at the Home Office, in succession to the Earl of Rose- bery. He is a magistrate and deputy-lieutenant of the county palatine of Lancaster.

HIGGINSON, Sib James Macau- lay, K.C.B., son of the late Major James Higginson, of the 10th Foot, bom in 1805, was educated at Portora School, near EnniskiUen, and Trinity College, Dublin. Join- ing the Bengal army in 1821, he served with the 58th regiment during the Bhurtpore campaign, and successful assault of that for- tress in 182G ; was appointed to the staff of the army in 1828, and filled the posts of aide-de-camp to Lord William Bentinck, Governor-Gene- ral of India ; Presidency Pay- master, Private and Military Secre- tary to the Governor of Agra; Private Secretary to Sir Chaj'les Metcalfe, Governor -General of Canada; Superintendent of the Mysore Princes, an^) Agent to the Govemor-Geneiul at the Court of Moorshedabad. On returning to Europe he accompanied Lord Met- calfe to Jamaica in 1839 as Secre- tary to the Governor j and in 1843 followed that distinguished states- man to Canada, where he filled the joint offices of Civil Secretary and Superintendent of Indian affairs; and, on the retirement of Lord Metcalfe, he was selected by his successor, the Earl Cathcart, to perform the duties of Private and Military Secretary. From 1846 to 1850 he held the appointment of

Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands, when he was transferred to the Governor- ship of Mauritius. He was created a Companion of the Bath in 1851, . a Knight Commander in 1856, and retired in 1857, after thirty-three years of foreign service.

HIGGINSON, Thomas Wbnt- woBTH, born at Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, Dec. 22, 1823. He gradu- ated at Harvard College in 1841, studied divinity, and was minister of several Unitarian churches until 1858, when, having entered actively into politick affairs, notably in the anti-slavery conflict in Kansas, he abandoned the pulpit. In 1862 he became captain in a Massachusetts regiment of volunteers, and after- wards colonel of a coloured regi- ment in South Carolina. He was severely wounded in Aug. 1863, and left the service in the following year. From the close of the war to 1878, he resided at Newport, Ehode Island, but since 1878 has lived at Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is an earnest advocate of woman suffrage, and since 1880 has been a member of the Massachusetts Legislature. He has published "Out-door Papers*' (1863), " Mal- bone,an Oldport Romance " (1869), and "Oldport Days" (1874), both depicting life at the watering- place of Newport ; " Army Life in a Black Regiment" (1870) ; "Har- vard Memorial Biographies" (1866); " Atlantic Essays ^ (1871) ; " Brief Biographies of European States- men " (1875) ; a " Young Folk's History of the United States" (1875); "Book of American Ex- plorers" (1877); "Short Studies of American Authors" (1879J ; " Com- mon Sense about Women (1881). HILDYARD, Thb Rev. Jambs, B.D., eighth son of the late Rev. William Hildyard, born in 1809, was educated at Slwewsbury School under Dr. Butler, and at Christ's College, Cambridge, where he gra- duated B.A., in 1833 as Second Classic and Chancellor's Medallist,