Dr. Darwin's views on the ori^n of species were the subject of Professor Huxley's lectures to the working men in 1862, which have been published under the title of lectures " On our Klnowledge of the Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Na- ture." He also delivered lectures on the " Elements of Comparative Anatomy/' and on the " Classifica- tion of Animals and the Vertebrate Skull." In 1862 he delivered the annual address to the Geological Society, and, as President of section D at the meeting of the British Association at Cambridge, he gave an address on the " Condition and Prospects of Biological Science." He presided over the meeting of the British Association held at Liverpool in 1870. Professor Hux- ley's name came prominently before the general public in connection with the London School Board, to which he was elected in 1870. He took a very active part in the deliberations of that body, having rendered himself particularly con- spicuous by his opposition to de- nominational teaching, and by his fierce denunciation, in 1871, of the doctrines of the Boman Catholic Church. Professor Huxley retired from the board in Jan., 1872. He was elected Lord Rector of Aber- deen University for three years Dec. 14, 1872, and installed Feb. 27, 1874. In 1873 he was elected Secretary of the Eoyal Society. During Professor WyviUe Thom- son's absence with the Challenger expedition. Professor Huxley acted as his substitute as Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh m the summer ses- sions of 1875 and 1876. In the latter year he received the Wollas- ton medal of the Geological Society. He has received the honorary degree of LL.D. from the univer- sities of Edinburgh, Dublin (1878), and Cambridge (1879). In June, 1879, the French Academy of Sciences elected Professor Huxley a corresponding member in the
section of anatomy and zoology, in the place of the late Eussian natu- raHst, Baer. On July 5, 1883, he was chosen President of the Royal Society in place of the late Mr. Spottiswoode ; and in the same year he was elected by tlie council of the United States National Aca- demy as one of their foreign mem- bers. He delivered the Rede Lec- ture at Cambridge, June 12, 1883, the subject being "The Origin of the Existing Forms of Animal Life — Construction or Evolution." Pro- fessor Huxley is well known as a writer on natural science, being the author of numerous papers pub- lished in the Transactions and Journals of the Royal, the Linnean, the Geological, and the Zoological Societies, and in the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. In addition to the works mentioned above, he has written, "Lessons in Elementary Physi- ology," 1866; 6th edit., 1872; " Ajq Introduction to the Classifica- tion of Animals," 1869 ; " Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews," 1870 ; 2nd edit., 1871 ; " Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebratcd Animals," 1871 ; " Critiques and Addresses," 1873 ; " American Addresses, with a Lecture on the Study of Biology," 1877 ; "Physio- graphy : an Introduction to the Study of Nature," 1877; "Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals," 1877 ; " The Crayfish : an Introduction to the Study of Zoology," 1879; an in- troduction to the " Science Primers," 1880; and "Science and Culture, and other Essays," 1882. HYACINTHE, Father. {See
HYMERS, The Rbv. John, D.D., F.R.S., born at Ormesby, in Cleve- land, July 26, 1803, was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, where h^ graduated B.A. as second wrangler in 1826, was elected Fel- low and appointed Tutor of his College ; and, having been elected Lad^ Margaret's Preacher in 1841, and having discharged several other