Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/678

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1866. He held the office of Lord Privy Seal in Mr. Gladstone's ad- ministration from Dec. 1868, to July, 1870, and that of Secretary of State for the Colonies from the latter date until the retirement of Mr. Gladstone in Feb. 1874. In Feb. 1878, he was nominated a member of the Boyal Commission appointed to inquire into the work- ing of the Penal Servitude Acts. He was reappointed Secretary of State for the Colonies on Mr. Glad- stone's return to power in May, 1880; and in June, 1882, he was appointed to hold "provisionally the seals of the office of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, resigned by Mr. Bright. On Dec. 16, 1882, he received from the Queen the seals of the office of Secretary of State for India.

KINGLAKE, Alexander Wil- liam, eldest son of the late William Kinglake, Esq., of Wilton House, near Taunton, born in 1811, was educated at Eton and Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge,' where he gradu- ated B.A. in 1832, was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn in 18874 but retired from the law in 1856. He is well known as the author of Edthen," an account of his ex- periences in Eastern travel, pub- lished in 1844. He was returned as one of the members in the Liberal interest, in March, 1857> for Bridgewater. In 1858 he moved the first amendment against the " Conspiracy Bill," and in the same year brought forward the question of the Cagliari, and in 1859 that of the Charles et Georges. In 1860 he took an active parfc in denouncing the annexation of Savoy and Nice to the French empire. His " Inva- sion of the Crimea," being the first portion of a History of the Russian War of 1854-6, a work upon which he had been for some time engaged, appeared in 1863, and some pas- sages are said to have given great offence at the Court of the Tuileries. The fifth volume appeared in 1875. At the general election of 1868 he

was again returned for Bridgewater fwhicn borough has since been dis- franchised), but on petition was unseated.

KINGLAKE, Egbert Arthur, brother of the historian of the Crimean War, was born at Taunton in 1813, and was educated at Ottery Saint Mary, Devonshire. For more than half a century he has devoted himself to works of charity and benevolence, directing his especial efforts to the improvement of the moral and physical condition of the labouring classes. The extension of penny and other savings banks, the promotion of the labourers' "allotment" system, and the im- provement of the dwellings of the agricultural poor, are objects which have chiefly occupied his attention. He established a " Court of Eeoon- ciliation" in his native town, by means of which he has been enabled, under the influence of friendly me- diation, to settle a large number of quarrels without involving the con- tending parties in any "costs." The "Court of Reconciliation" is held twice weekly at his own resi- dence at Haines Hill. Mr. King- lake was one of the principal pro^ meters of the West of England Sanatorium established near Wes- ton-super-Mare. In another, but equally useful direction, he has extended his untiring labours by seeking to ameliorate the condition of discharged prisoners. He was the originater, in his native county, of ite famous and well-known " Vsi- halla of Worthies," which includes the buste of Locke, Blake, Pym, and others. He is "Uie author of a memoir of General Guyon, the famous English hero in the Hun- garian War of Independence — a work which called forth the warm approval of Kossuth and his friends. Mr. Kinglake is also the author of a work on Land Tnuisfer, and of various pamphlets on social sub- jecte.

KINGSTON, Bishop op. (See