Page:Men of the Time, eleventh edition.djvu/708

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tnres, and proved that Greek art had once influenced that now inhos- pitable region. In the course of his literary activity Dr. Leitner has brought together one of the largest collections in the possession of a private individual^ and which is unique in many respects. Besides its ethnographical and numismatic interest, it chiefly illustrates the influence of Greek art when in contact with barbaric sculpture, whether Egyptian, Indian, Assy- rian, or Persian. A portion of it is deposited on loan at the India Museum. Dr. Leitner is Principal of the Lahore Government College (in which the Delhi College is now incorporated) ; Principal of the Oriental College, Lahore ; and Re- gistrar of the Punjaub University. He is also the President of an im- portant body which he founded in 186 4, namely, the Punjaub Associa- tion, or Anjuman-i-Pimjaub, an institution for social, political, and educational reforms. Dr. Leitner speaks, reads, and writes 25 lan- guages, and is probably the greatest living linguist. Dr. Leitner at- tended the Congress of Orientalists held at Florence in Sept., 1878. His published works comprise : — " Theory and Practice of Educa- tion ; " " Philosophical Grammar of Arabic ; " the same translated into Urdu and Arabic; "The Sinln - ul - Islam " (History and Literatiire of Muhammadanism in their relations to Universal History) ; "The Races of Turkey, with principal reference to Muham- madan Education;" "Comparative Vocabulary and Grammar of the Dardu Languages ; " Dialogues in the above languages ; " Results of a Tour in Dardistan, Kashmir, Little Thibet, Ladak, Zanshar, &c.," Lond.. 1868, et seq. ; "History of Dardistan, Songs, Legends, &c. ; " " Graeco-Buddhistic Discoveries ; " "A National University for the Punjaub;'* and "Adventures of a( Siah Posh Kafir." LE JEUNE, Henbt, A.R.A., of

Flemish extraction, was born in 1819. In early life he was sent to study at the British Museum, and in 1841 he obtained the gold medal of the Royal Academy for a picture of " Samson bursting his Bonds." He was Head Master of the Govern- ment School of Design from 1846 to 1848, when he became Curator of the Painting School at the Royal Academy, retiring from this post in 1864. He has been a frequent ex- hibitor since 1841, and was chosen an A.R.A. in 1863.

LELAND, Chables Godpbet, bom at Philadelphia, Aug. 15, 1824. He graduated at Princeton College in 1846, and subsequently studied at the Universities of Heidelberg, Munich, and Paris. He was ad- mitted to the bar in 1851, but soon relinquished law for literature, and contributed largely to periodicals. For several years he resided in Europe, but returned to the United States in 1880, and is now conduct- ing an experiment in industrial art education in the public schools of Philadelphia. His works, many of which are of a humorous or burlesque character, include, " The Poetry and Mystery of Dreams," 1855; "Meister Karl's Sketch Book," 1855; " Pictures of Travel," a translation of Heine's " Reise- bilder," 1856; "Sunshine in Thought," 1862; "Legends of Birds," 1864 ; " Hans Breitmann's Ballads," 1867-70 ; " The Music Lessons of Confucius, and other Poems," 1870; "Gaudeamus," a translation of the humorous poems of Scheffel," 1871; "Egyptian Sketch Book," 1873 ; " The English Gipsies and their Language," 1873 ; " Pu-Sang, or the Discovery of Ame- rica by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century," 1875; "Eng- lish Gipsy Songs," 1875 ; " Abraham Lincoln," 1879; "The Minor Arts," 1880 ; and " The Gipsies," 1882.

LEMOINNE, John Emile, pub- licist, born in London, of French parents, Oct. 17, 1816 ; commenced his studies in England, and finished Y y2