they organized similar meetings all over the country. They again visited England in 1883. In sedi- tion to the many printed acootmts of his meetings and reports of his addresses, Mr. Moody has published "Arrows and Anecdotes/' 1877; " Heaven," 1880 j " Secret Power/' 1881.
MOORE, Th« Rbv. Daniel, M.A., a native of Coventry, was educated in the Grammar School of that city, and entered at St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, in 1837 O.A. 1840; M.A. 1844). He gained the Norrisian Prize in 1837 and 1839, and the Hulsean Prize in 1840. He was perpetual curate of Camden Church, Camberwell, from 1844 to 1866, when he was presented to the vicarage of Holy Triniigr, Paddington. In several years he has be^ a Select Preacher before the University of Cambridge, and in 1864 he filled the office of Hul- sean Lecturer. He was appointed Lecturer at St. Margaret's, Loth- bury, in 1866 ; a chaplain in ordi- nary to the Queen in 1870; and Prebendary of Ozgate,in St. Paul's Cathedral, in 1880. Among his works we may mention Romanism as set forth in its own acknowledged Formularies ; " " Sermons preached before the University of Cam- bridge ; " " Discourses on the Lord's Prayer;" "Thoughts on Preach- ing;" "The Divine Authority of the Pentateuch;" "The Age and the Gospel," heing the Hulsean lectures for 1864 ;" Aids to Prayer ; " and " Sermons on special Occa- sions/'
MOORE, Thomas, F.L.S., bota- nist and horticulturist, born at Stoke-next-Guildford, May 29, 1821, was appointed, in 1848, curator of the ancient Botanic Garden of the Society of Apothecaries at Chelsea, which office he still holds. He was Secretary to the Floral Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society from its establishment in 1859 till 1865, when he was named Floral Director of the same Society; was
the principal acting Secretary of the Great International Horticul- tural Exhibition, London, 1866; and was Examiner in Floriculture to the Society of Arts and the Royal Horticultural Society, while those bodies continued to hold examina- tions. He is the author of " Cultiva- tion of the Cucumber and Melon/' published in 1844 ; " Handbook of British Ferns/' in 1848 (3rd edit, in 1857) ; " Ferns and Allied Plants/' in 1851 ; " Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland — ^Nature-printed/' in 1856; "Illustrations of Orchida- ceous Plants," and "Index Fili- cum/* in 1857; "Nature-printed Ferns," 2 vols., in 1859-60; the '* Field Botanist's Companion : British Isles/' in 1862; and "Ele- ments of Botany/' in 1865. He was, in 1850-52, joint editor of the Oardener's Magcutine of Botany, in 1861 editor of the Floral IfoycmiM, and in 1866 of the Treasury of Bo- tany, of which latter a new edition was brought out by him in 1874; contributed many of the botanical and horticultural articles to the new edition of Brande's Dictionary of Science in 1865-66 ; is editor of ttie Florigt and Pomologist ; edited the new edition of Thompson's Oar- denere* Assistant, 1877 ; contributed the article " Horticulture " to the new edition of the " Encyclopedia Britannica;" is author of an " Epitome of Gardening/' 1881, and editor of The Orchid Album.
MOORHOUSE, Thb Right Rev. Jambs, D.D., Bishop of Melbourne, in Australia, son of Mr. James Moorhouse, a merchant of Sheffield, was born in that town in 1826. He received his education at St. John's College, Cambridge (B.A., 1853; M. A., 1860 ; D.D., jure dignitatis, 1876). He became Vicar of St. John's, Fitzroy Square, in 1862; Hulsean Lectmrer at Cambridge in 1865 ; Vicar of Paddington and rural dean in 1868; Clmplain in Ordinary to the* Queen in 1874; Prebendary of St. Paul's and War- burtonian Lecturer in 1875. In