Page:Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act 2008.pdf/12

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NO. 21 OF 2008

(b) if it is necessary in his interests to do so, continue to receive treatment for mental disorder in that other hospital during that period.

Removal of patient from one psychiatric institution to another

16.—(1) The Director or such public officer as he may appoint, may by order in accordance with Form 6 in the First Schedule order the removal of any patient from any psychiatric institution in Singapore to any other psychiatric institution in Singapore.

(2) An order under subsection (1) shall be sufficient authority for the removal of the patient and also for his reception into the psychiatric institution to which he is ordered to be removed.

Removal of patient from Singapore

17.—(1) Where a person not being a citizen of Singapore or not domiciled in Singapore is detained in a psychiatric institution under the provisions of this Act and it appears expedient that he should be removed to the country of which he is a national or in which he is domiciled, the Minister may, if he is satisfied that—

(a) the person’s removal is likely to be for his benefit; and
(b) proper arrangements have been made for his removal and subsequent care and treatment,

direct, by warrant, that the person be delivered to the person named in the warrant for the purpose of removal to the country of which he is a national or in which he is domiciled, and every such warrant shall be obeyed by the person or authority having the charge of the person named therein.

(2) A warrant under this section shall be sufficient authority for the master of any vessel or captain of any aircraft to receive and detain the patient on board the vessel or aircraft for the purpose of conveying him to his destination.

Contents of order

18. Any order of removal made under section 17 shall be addressed to the principal officer of the psychiatric institution in which the patient is at the time detained and shall direct him to deliver up the patient to the person mentioned in the order at such place and in such manner as may be