Page:Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act 2008.pdf/36

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NO. 21 OF 2008

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(30) Medical (Therapy,
Education and Research)
(Chapter 175, 1985 Ed.)
(a) Section 3 Delete the words “of sound mind and” and substitute the words “who is not mentally disordered and who is”.
(b) Section 13(1) Delete the words “of sound mind and” and substitute the words “who is not mentally disordered and who is”.
(31) Monetary Authority of
Singapore Act
(Chapter 186, 1999 Ed.)
Section 10(2) Delete paragraph (b) and substitute the following paragraph:
“(b) becomes mentally disordered and incapable of managing himself or his affairs;”.
(32) National Arts Council Act
(Chapter 193A, 1992 Ed.)
First Schedule, paragraph 9 Delete sub-paragraph (a) and substitute the following sub-paragraph:
“(a) is mentally disordered and incapable of managing himself or his affairs;”.
(33) National Heritage Board
(Chapter 196A, 1994 Ed.)
First Schedule, paragraph 9 Delete sub-paragraph (a) and substitute the following sub-paragraph:
“(a) is mentally disordered and incapable of managing himself or his affairs;”.
(34) National Parks Board Act
(Chapter 198A, 1997 Ed.)
First Schedule, paragraph 9 Delete sub-paragraph (c) and substitute the following sub-paragraph: