Page:Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act 2008.pdf/40

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NO. 21 OF 2008

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(a) guardians on behalf of infants;
(b) the Official Assignee on behalf of bankrupts; and
(c) deputies appointed or deemed to be appointed by the High Court for persons who lack capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2008 with power in relation to such persons for the purposes of this Act, on behalf of such persons.”.

(ii) Delete the marginal note to subsection (2).

(44) Singapore Academy of
Law Act
(Chapter 294A, 1997 Ed.)
Section 16(1) Delete the words “of unsound mind” in paragraph (e) and substitute the words “mentally disordered and incapable of managing himself or his affairs”.
(45) Singapore Armed Forces
(Chapter 295, 2000 Ed.)
(a) Section 93(2) Delete the words “of unsound mind” in paragraph (i) and substitute the words “mentally disordered”.
(b) Section 102(2) Delete the words “of unsound mind” in paragraph (c) and substitute the words “mentally disordered”.
(46) Singapore Labour
Foundation Act
(Chapter 302, 1985 Ed.)
Section 6(5) Delete the words “of unsound mind” in paragraph (a) and substitute the words “mentally disordered and incapable of managing himself or his affairs”.