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No. 35 of 1960.

Appointment and duties of visitors. 5. (1) The Governor may appoint mental hospital visitors for every mental hospital.

(2) Two or more mental hospital visitors appointed in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) shall once at least in every month, together inspect every part of the mental hospital of which they are mental hospital visitors and shall see and examine so far as circumstances permit, every patient therein and the application and recommendation for the admission of every temporary patient admitted since the last visitation of the mental hospital visitors and shall see, if they so require, the order and certificate for the admission of every other patient admitted during that period and shall enter in a book to be kept for that purpose any remarks which they may deem proper in regard to the management and condition of the mental hospital and the patients therein.

Delegation. 6. A medical superintendent may delegate any of his powers and functions under this Ordinance to any registered medical practitioner and may use and employ to carry out his functions under this Ordinance any employee in a mental hospital.

Proceedings in Inquiries into Mental Disorders.

Court may order inquiry. 7. (1) The Court may, on such application as is hereinafter mentioned, make an order directing an inquiry whether any person subject to the jurisdiction of the Court who is alleged to be a mentally disordered person is of unsound mind and incapable of managing himself and his affairs.

(2) Such order may also contain directions for inquiries concerning the nature of the property belonging to the person alleged to be mentally disordered, the persons who are his relative or next-of-kin, the time during which he has been of unsound mind or such other questions as to the Court shall seem proper.

(3) Application for such inquiry may be made by any person related by blood or marriage to the person alleged to be a mentally disordered person, or by any public officer nominated by the Colonial Secretary.

Provision as to notice of inquiry. 8. (1) Reasonable notice of the time and place appointed for the inquiry shall be given to the person alleged to be a mentally disordered person:

Provided that if it shall appear that the person alleged to be a him would be ineffectual, the Court may direct such substituted service mentally disordered person is in such a state that personal service on of the notice as it shall think proper.