Page:Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison Vol. 1.djvu/134

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An appropriation was made to pay the expense of the civil government of Louisiana, but it is feared it will not be sufficient to cover the expenses incurred and to be incurred under the Administration of Governor Claiborne, no part of it can therefore be counted upon for printing the laws, which may be made for that part of the Territory which after the 1st of Oct. next will be united with the Indiana Territory; but no doubt can be entertained that Congress will at their next session make provision for all the expenses which may be necessarily incurred. By recurring to the 13th Section of the law providing for the Government of the two territories in which Louisiana is to be divided, you will find that the Laws of Louisiana will remain in force after the first of October under certain modifications: and therefore the entirely new code you contemplate is unnecessary and ought not to be published: all that appears to be indispensable are laws for organizing the Courts, the Militia and laying out the Territory into districts. Exclusively of the annual appropriation of 350 Doll. for the contingent expenses of the territory, which will be sufficient to pay the current expenses of the year, there is an unexpended balance of 480 dollars which may be applied to the expense of printing territorial laws.

I am etc.

James Madison

Harrison to Jefferson

Vincennes 24th June 1804

Jefferson Papers, 2d series, vol. 42, no. 78, 79


The result of my enquiries relative to Upper Louisiana fixes the population of that District at 9373 souls of whom 7876 are whites and 1497 blacks.

I am still of opinion that it would answer all the purposes of Civil Government & be sufficiently Convenient to the Inhabitants to lay out the Country into four or five divisions or Counties, whose boundaries might be very nearly the same as those which Seperated the principal Districts under the Spanish Government. From the best information which I have been able to procure the arrangement of the Districts should be as follows viz—