Page:Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison Vol. 1.djvu/72

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Trader's License, Francois Busseron

October 8, 1801

Mss. in Indiana State Library

By William Henry Harrison Esquire and Commander in
chief in and over the Indiana Territory

Licence is granted to Francis Besaion,[1] [Busseron or Bosseron] an Inhabitant of Vincennes, of the County of Knox, to trade with the different Tribes of Indians residing on the Wabash below Vincennes he having given Bond for the due observation of all the laws and regulations relating to Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Nations, that now are, or hereafter shall be made issued or declared during the term for which the same is Granted. This Licence to continue in force for one year, unless sooner revoked by the Governor. Given at Vincennes the eighth day of October in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and one, and of the Independance of the United States of America the Twenty Sixth.

Willm Henry Harrison

Harrison to Findlay

Vincennes, October 15th, 1801

Pub. His. and Phil. Soc. of Ohio, I, 101

Dear Findlay,

I had the pleasure to receive your letter of the 22nd August a few weeks ago. Mrs. Harrison and myself are much rejoiced to hear that Mrs. Findlay enjoys better health than formerly for be assured that we both feel for her a sincere regard. My family have I think enjoyed quite as much health here as they have ever done. My youngest child[2] has been until lately a good deal afflicted but is now much better; and I have had the ague and fever—that is, I had three fits of it, but am now as well perhaps better than I have been for several years. I am much pleased with this country—nothing can exceed its beauty and fertility. I have purchased a farm

  1. Francois Bosseron, made a judge at Vincennes May 14th. 1779: major and commandant at Vincennes 1780. Todd Papers, 165; 194; 279. Wealthiest Citizen in Vincennes, ruled the council or court. Esarey, History of Indiana, 67; 134.
  2. Lucy Singleton Harrison, born in Richmond Va. 1800, died 1826, married Judge David K. Este of the Ohio Supreme court.