Page:Methods of Operating the Comptometer (1895).djvu/25

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Fig. B.

Again using the two left hand figures as a trial divisor we find that the second quotient figure is 5, so put right hand finger on the large 5, one column to the right and count "six, seven, eight," move to the right and count "seven, eight," and so on for each of the remaining figures of the divisor, when pointing off we have 25+1700950. See Fig. B.

It will be seen that, if desired, the quotient can be carried out decimally. To carry the quotient out decimally on an eight column machine, one figure on the right of the divisor will be dropped as each decimal figure is obtained. But in the examples just illustrated this dropping of figures of the divisor will not make any difference in the answer, until the fourth decimal place of the quotient is reached.