Page:Metrical tales and other poems .. (IA metricaltalesoth00soutrich).pdf/114

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What tho' the eighth commandment rose to mind,
It only served a moment's qualm to move,
For thefts like this it could not be design'd,
The eighth commandment was not made for love

Here when she took the macaroons from me,
She wiped her mouth to clean the crumbs so sweet;
Dear napkin yes she wiped her lips in thee!
Lips sweeter than the macaroons she eat.

And when she took that pinch of Mocabaw
That made my Love so delicately sneeze,
Thee to her Roman nose applied I saw,
And thou art doubly dear for things like these.

No washerwoman's filthy hand shall e'er,
Sweet pocket-handkerchief! thy worth profane
For thou hast touched the rubies of my fair,
And I will kiss thee o'er and o'er again.