Page:Mexican Archæology.djvu/18

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4. Various Mexican deities, from MSS 35
5. Mexican methods of sacrifice (Zouche MS.) 41
6. The moon (Borgia MS) 52
7. Mexican day-signs (Fejervary-Mayer MS) 60
8. Key to the Mexican Calendar Stone 74
9. Mexican priests making fire (Zouche MS) 75
10. Tree of the West (Borgia MS) 79
11. Stone relief from Huilocintla 83
12. Detail from the Telleriano-Remensis MS 87
13. Plan of the palace at Tezcoco 89
14. Mexican mummies prepared for burial 104
15. Stone relief from Tlacolula 106
16. Stone relief from Guerrero 107
17. Mexican warriors (Mendoza MS) 113
18. Articles of tribute (Mendoza MS) 118
19. Mexican stone and obsidian implements 135
20. Mexican stone axes 137
21. Totonac stone "yoke" 139
22. Mixtec stone figurines 140
23. Mexican artisans (Mendoza MS) 143
24. Gold finger-ring 145
25. Mexican feather-work mantle 146
26. Spindle-whorls, Id of Sacrificios 147
27. Mexican wood-carver and weaver (Mendoza MS) 148
28. Mexican pottery stamps 150
29. The education of Mexican children (Mendoza MS) 161
30. Tlaxtli-court (Bodleian MS.) 165
31. Mexican teponaztli (wooden gong) 167
32. Plans of remains at Quiengola 175
33. Slab from Xochicalco: beaker and stone head from Oaxaca 176
34. Plan of one of the courts at Mitla 177
35. Portion of fresco at Mitla 179
36. Pottery forms 185
37. Painted designs on pottery 186
38. Pottery vase from Teotihuacan 187
39. Vase in Tlaxcalan or Cholulan style 190