Page:Mexico's dilemma.djvu/124

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on one of the Hamburg liners formerly tied to a Hoboken wharf dismantled and took apart the plant on his ship, packed the essential parts in trunks and suitcases, and boarded a train for Mexico. Before April fourth he was safely across the international border, bag, baggage and all.

This wireless operator had been ordered to Mexico to construct one of the links in the proposed chain of communication between this hemisphere and the Kaiser's agents in Spain and Germany. But he was only one of many suspected Germans who escaped from New York before this country was formally at war with the autocratic enemy. There were many others, who were to spread the nets of German intrigue in Cuba, Mexico and Central America, and who left at the same time. By June these men were scattered in all the leading cities of the South, there to begin their operations upon orders from abroad.

It is perhaps not necessary to state that before this wireless operator packed his instrument he invoiced and carefully examined it to make sure he had all the parts needed. Those that were missing he bought through an agent; so when he left Hoboken he was certain that every part needed to make the wireless plant a success, with the exception of the tower and the electric power, was securely registered in his baggage.

When he arrived in Mexico City he reported to his All Highest officials, and within a short time was ordered to rebuild the plant he had taken