Page:Mexico's dilemma.djvu/17

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citizens there cannot be attacked and their honesty cannot he questioned, but, as is the case in the United States and in all countries where the German Government intriguers have worked, all Germans in Mexico are hearing the burdens of a corrupt, dishonest, deceitful government in Berlin. Most of the things which the Germans are doing there, both against the United States and against Mexico itself, are done at the direction of Berlin. Who would have expected Mexico to think of invading the United States to "get back" American territory until it was suggested to the German Minister in Mexico City by Dr. Alfred Zimmermann, former Secretary of State? What honest, intelligent Mexican favours war with the United States when there is nothing to gain for Mexico except flattery from Berlin? What capable Mexican business man, or government official, favours labour riots at Tampico to cut off the oil supply which is bringing millions of dollars to the Mexican Treasury? What is there for Mexico to gain if the oil wells and mines are destroyed? Mexico loses by such things and Berlin gains.

When I returned from Germany to America in March, 1917, I found so many people asking what the Germans were doing in Mexico that I proposed to the Editor of The Saturday Evening Post that I go to that country for the purpose of making an investigation. It seemed to me that public opinion in the United States was divided;