Page:Mexico's dilemma.djvu/177

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Translation—Bill authorising the executive of Mexico to negotiate a loan for the rehabilitation of the National Railways.—From El Universal, Mexico City, July 10, 1917.

Loan of Fifty Million Pesos for the National Lines.

will be destined to the repair of track,
replacement of equipment and the
reorganisation of service.

The Executive has sent to the Chamber of Deputies a bill in which the National Representation is informed that it is indispensable for the Government to contract a loan of 50,000,000 pesos to cope with the imperious necessities of the railway problem in the Republic.

The text of the bill is as follows:


By reason of the needs of the campaign, the Constitutionalist Government found itself obliged to take possession, first of certain lines of railway crossing the country, and later of entire systems, very particularly of the system of the National Railways of Mexico. To administer this